Saturday Part 2

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While Ben and Miranda were at the park with Pru, Joey and Tuck were at the mall. The met some friends, went to the Dave and Busters.  They bowled a couple games and had lunch.  Before leaving they went to the Foot Locker to buy some new sneakers.

It was around 7:00 and still light outside when they were on their way home. Joey was driving.  While waiting at a red-light he asked Tuck,

"If I tell you something, will you promise not to say anything?"

"Yeah, Joe you know you can trust me."

"Ok well you know I have been applying to colleges."


"One of the colleges is Harvard."

"Harvard isn't that in Massachusetts."


Tuck sighed and said

"Why so far away"

"I don't know, I read about their medical program, and I was instantly drawn to it.  Ever since your parents took me in, I have dreamt of becoming a doctor.  My counselor at school says because of my grades and being in the foster system I have a good chance of getting a full ride."  

"So, what's the issue?"

"I applied weeks ago, and I should I have heard something by now.  I don't think I got in.  Now I have to think about another college.  I really wanted this and wanted to surprise Ben and Miranda.  I wanted to make them so proud."  

"Hey, man, mom and dad are already proud of you.  I'm proud of you.  You have overcome a lot in your life but it does not seem to stop you.  You have excelled in everything you have accomplished and  you are the best big brother I never knew I needed.  You will get in I can feel it."  

"Thanks, Tuck you are a great little brother"

"Do you have a second choice?"  

Yes. UCLA.  

"Well, it's closer and I'll get to go visit you.....but you'll  get what you want just wait and see." 

Joey pulled into a gas station to fill the tank like Miranda asked.  They were only a couple of miles from the house. 

Ben and Bailey were walking home from the park also not too far away from the house. 

The boys filled up the tank and got back in the car.  They turned right out of the gas station and continued home.  As soon as they left the gas station, a police car started to follow them.  Joey was a great driver and very cautious.  He always followed the driving rules and that's why Miranda trusted him with her car.  When he got to the corner of their street there was a stop sign.  He stopped and looked both ways before proceeding.  

Ben, Miranda and Pru were walking just entering the same corner. Tuck noticed them from the passenger side when they stop.   He waved.  Seeing them also Ben, waved back.  Just as Joey was crossing the street, he noticed the cop car behind him.   When Ben and Miranda turned the corner they heard the siren blare and the red and blue lights come on. They were only a half a block away from their house. Joey slowed down and pulled over

Ben looked at Miranda and he handed her Pru who was in his arms.  He ran to get where the boys were being stopped. Tuck and Joey placed their hands where the officers could see them, remembering everything Ben taught them. Two Caucasian officers approached the car.  One stayed back a little while the other came up on the driver's side, hand on gun holster.  When he got to the driver's side window Joey pulled the window down.   

"Hi officer why am I being stopped?"   

"Is this your car"

"This is my parent's car. My brother and I live at the house about two doors up on the right."

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