Sunday 2

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Everyone had arrived including Roz, all the members of Ben's team including Carina who was there with her wife. Ben was cooking on the grill, giving out hot dogs and hamburgers. Miranda was sitting with Carina who had Pru in her lap helping her eat a hot dog.  Miranda asked her,

"Hey where's the cake.

"Maya took it and hid it in your den."

"Great I think this is as good as a time as any."

Miranda walked over to Ben and whispered in his ear.  He put the spatula down and asked Robert to watch the grill. He and Miranda went into the house to get the letter and cake. When they returned the called everyone to gather around the main table.  Miranda quieted everyone and said,

"Okay guys we haven't been very honest about the reason why we have you here today.  A year ago, we added to our family. Even though that may have been a one-sided decision It was the best decision I and eventually we have ever made." 

Ben chuckled and nodded his head.   

"Joey you are our son the teenage son we never knew we needed. The brother we know Tuck always wanted.  You have brought joy to Ben's, Tuck's mine and now Pru's lives. We know that when you first came, you thought college was not an option for you, but you've worked hard, and persevered and now college is not only an option it's a reality.  Give it to him honey"

Ben lifted the letter and handed it to Joey. His eyes went wide when he recognized the Harvard emblem. He quickly tore open the envelope and his eyes began to water when he saw the first words of congratulation.

"I got in. I got into Harvard?"

"Not only did you get in son, but you have also earned yourself a full four-year scholarship"

Ben shouted.  Everyone erupted into cheers and claps. Joey ran over to Ben and Miranda giving them both huge hugs.

"Oh my God I was trying to surprise you and you turned it on me. How did you know?"

Miranda shrugged and said,

"I'm Miranda Bailey, I know all."

Ben and Joey laughed because this was true. Joey hugged them again and ran over to his group of friends hugging and kissing his girlfriend and giving Tuck a high five and a hug.

Ben and Miranda watched the kids and when he turned his head, he noticed that she was crying

"Baby....why the tears?

"Do you think he will be okay all the way across the country without us? I mean, he is still so young"

Ben turned and grabbed her waist turning her to face him.

"He survived a life on the streets taking care of three little ones and himself. He is going to be fine. Besides we have family close by and obviously you have friends on the campus. It will be like we are there.

"I'm going to miss him"

She said looking into her husband's eyes

"Yeah, me too."

Ben kissed his wife lips and wiped her tears. Ben and Miranda went back and joined the party goers. While dancing with Pru,  Miranda looked over and to her surprised Tucker was coming through the back gate.  

She looked over at Ben with a raised eyebrow.  She handed Pru to Robert who was nearby and walked toward to where he stood.

'Tucker Jones what can we do for you?"

"Miranda, I came to talk to Tuck if that's okay?"

She looked over at her son who was sitting with his back turned talking to his friends.

"Well, I see you have come to your senses"

"Yes... I see that what I have been doing has caused a rift between me and my son."

"We have co parented for years and I just wasn't thinking that he still needs his father.  Your family has grown, and you have not neglected your duty as his mother and neither should I, just because mine has grown."

"Tucker I'm impressed"

"But Tucker...please give him time he's hurt.  As long as you keep trying, I know you all can get back to your father son bound." 

"Thank you, Miranda."


Miranda called.

Tuck turned around and saw his dad standing next to his mom. He got up and walked over to them.

"Tuck your dad wants to talk to you."

Tuck looked at his mom and back at his dad and nonchalantly said


Miranda walked away and went to where Ben was.  She stood next to him, and he wrapped his arms around her shoulder.  They watched the interaction between her ex-husband and their son.  Ben smiled and she gave a sigh of relief when after a few minutes of talking they embraced.    

Tucker stayed for a while and joined the party.  After a couple hours the party was settling down It was almost 7:00 o'clock.    Vic asked if she could keep Pru for the night.  Miranda loved that there were so many people who were willing to be a part of her baby girl's life and of course she said yes. The boys wanted to spend the night with their aunt. They were off from school, and she promised to go to the amusement park with them.  

Everyone helped clean up and got the back yard back to normal. After finishing they all began to say their goodbyes.  Vic picked up Pru and got an overnight bag from Miranda.

"Bye baby girl, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye Randa"

The boys packed a bag to go with Roz's and Miranda told Ben she would take her father home. While William was gathering his things and going to the bathroom before they left, Ben said to Miranda

"Without any doing from us we seem to have an empty house." 

Miranda wrapped her arms around his waist and purred.

"Well, what do you think we'll be able to do in an empty house?"  

Ben leaned down close to her lips 

"I do not know what you planned, but I have a few things in mind.  Most which involves a bit of retaliation"  

"Retaliation, for what?

"Uhm... How soon we forget.... When you get home, you'll find out"

Ben kissed her lips and grabbed her ass letting go when her father came back into the room.  

"I'm ready Miranda."

Miranda looked at Ben with raised eyebrows.  She did not know what the hell he was talking about

"O... okay, dad" 

she said slowly 

Ben laughed as she walked to the door to leave.

The end.  

*There will be a one shot about what happens when Miranda returns back home.  What do you think the retaliation is for? *


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