xviii. hoffersons don't marry jorgensons

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𖣯 ✹ 🌷(makligr) ꏍ !┈─❟
╰───►chapter eighteen; yrsa
❝ hoffersons don't marry jorgensons!

if anyone comes at me for the dragon being an armour wing and not armor wing ... no <3.  i'm aussie. it's fukin armour. <3

    YRSA HATED lying.

    Especially to Hiccup.

    After everything they've been through, lying right to his face made her feel more than terrible. She felt like she was betraying everything that was rooted in their friendship. Weeks passed of sneaking off in the early hours of the morning, or late at night to meet up with Astrid in the clouds to then head off to the rendezvous point with Heather; learning information, figuring out how to express it to Hiccup in the least suspicious way, and again and again being told that Yrsa couldn't tell Hiccup the truth.

    It was like this again. Yrsa turned away from Heather by the light of the fire she had created under Windshear's wing shadow━the signal for her and Astrid to follow.

    "This is stupid," she grumbled, kicking some dirt off the edge of the sea stack. Helrose purred, noticing the way she clenched her hands.

    Astrid sighed at her, shoulders slumping, "Yrs ..."

    "All of this is stupid!" she turned around, snapping. Yrsa didn't want to be so harsh and mean, but she couldn't help it. She felt the worst she's been lying to Hiccup like this, especially after they've only just figured out everything and stepped into a friendship with little problems. Yrsa didn't want to ruin that. She didn't want to lose him. And she just knew how he'd react if he figured this out━and he was very much capable of it. "We should just tell him."

    Heather frowned at her, "I told you why we can't," she followed her up to the edge of the sea stack. Yrsa rolled her eyes. "If we tell Hiccup, he'd try to get me out of there━which means we lose this chance of getting to Viggo, and I lose the chance of getting back at Dagur for what he did to my village."

    Yrsa set her jaw. She crossed her arms, glowering out back towards the direction of Dragon's Edge. "And have you gotten any closer to meeting Viggo?"

    Heather made a noise in the back of her throat. Yrsa scoffed at it. "I'm ... getting there," she decided to say. "It's hard━it's going to take some time. Ryker's paranoid, and it isn't easy with a deranged brother ruining it all half the time. Especially when Ryker's determined to get this Dragon Eye back."

    She didn't say anything, just continuing to glower into the distance.

    At this, Heather sighed. Despite Yrsa's anger and her glower, she took a step closer. "Look," she said gently, "I know you don't want to lie to Hiccup. But ... I can do this, Yrsa. You need to trust me."

    Yrsa swallowed harshly. Her hands clenched tighter. She could feel Astrid's gaze on them, not sure whether to leave it or step in. Yrsa and Heather never really had a good relationship, and these meet-ups always felt like they were walking on a cracking surface ready to explode.

    There were things she could say that weren't mean, like: I'll try, or I'm worried. But Yrsa couldn't find the courage. Instead, she snapped at her, "I wish you never told me this," before storming off. She heard Astrid sigh, not disappointed, but expecting it.

    Yrsa marched to the other end of the sea stack. Helrose crooned a low song, concerned and decided to follow. She hovered over her shoulder and Yrsa reached up to set a hand under her chin, thankful for the support.

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