[2] Slience

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One day- Kodaline

The sunset rays crept through the white curtains, whilst I stare blankly on the wall ahead of me. I never noticed how much white and boring this room was until now.

The silence was deafening but the ticking of the clock interrupts this peaceful moment. A sigh escaped from my mouth as I decided to finally open the window, and let the fresh summer air breeze rock the curtains away with the wind.

 It's been a week since I moved in to this town, and I find it amusing the fact that John has not yet came to take me to a another Foster family care.

I guess I'm doing good so far.

I still didn't say a word to neither of the people inside of this house, and I'm glad they're not pressuring me about it. Sometimes I receive an annoyed glare from Kyles, but I didn't mind. I completely understand why he is lacking of respect towards me, I mean I actually pissed him off the last time he approached to me nicely.

Since then he didn't try any effort on talking to me, except when Mr. Stilinski ask him to tell me about something.

A light knock brought me back to reality as I shift my stare from the outside of the window to a silhouette leaning on the door frame.

''Dad is coming home late. Mexican or Chinese?'' Kyles came in to view as he started walking towards my desk near me. His hands grazed through my sketches as his features showed amusement. ''I guess we are taking Chinese then.'' He mumbled whilst he took my sketch book, ready to leaf through it.

I carefully took it away from him, but my movement seemed to be rude as he frowned at me. ''I'll just avert you when the dinner is here.'' I shrugged whilst he scratch the back of his neck moving towards the exit, leaving the door how he found it.

Another sigh made its way to my mouth as I set aside my drawing into the drawer of the desk.


After 30 minutes of waiting and awkward, yet comfortable silence between me and Kyles, a door bell interrupted our peaceful situation. ''Thank you, oh and take the rest.'' Kyles managed to take three plastic bags to the kitchen but I just watched his movements carefully.

I know that it sounds creepy, but from his movements I can tell how much sloppy and clumsy he is. ''Uhm, Emma dinner is ready.''

The aroma of fried dishes danced through my nostrils as my stomach grumbled in hunger. I found myself walking towards the dining table, where I found Kyles devouring into a white box.

I took place in front of him and took a box from the plastic bag. I had two choices on which cutlery use, but finally I took the fork, since I am not capable of using chopsticks. ''Bon appètit'' I hear the boy in front of me mumble through his full mouth as I responded with a simple nod.

The savoring flavor of the food in front of me was overwhelming as a moan of pleasure escaped from my mouth. My eyes went wide after I realized what I just did whilst Kyles stopped from attacking his food, just to look at me in a weird way.

A smirk played from his almost pale skin as I rolled my eyes. ''So you have a voice.'' He teased, but I just continued on eating my meal, with a goal to finish it so I can escape from any of the young man's Q&A portions.

A resentment replaced his playful look as he perceived the signals I was trying to send him.

''So... My father wanted me to tell you that I got to help you with school stuff, you know, so you can uh... keep up for the upcoming school year.'' A light belch escaped from his lips as he excused himself.

Emma [S.Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now