[1] Let's start again.

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Youth - Daughter

''Emma you need to stop this or else you will be left with no family ready to welcome you.'' I rolled my eyes as I leaned my head on the window. ''Are you even listening to me? The rules were clear, Emma. No smoking, drinking and sneaking out. 3 simple things.''

John kept on muttering and complaining about something, It's like I'm in a bubble, I was able to hear him but everything is muffled.

I admit on doing things that Mr. Brown was ranting on but I am not regretting any of it. Yesterday I moved in a nice family not far away from San Francisco, and today I'm moving out after I broke the rules I was conscious on doing.

I took out my earphones and plugged them in to my ears letting myself get drown through the loud shrilling voice of the singer.

It's amazing how music can make you feel more safe and strong. Everything around me seem to change whenever music or my favorite song comes on.

As my pale fingers tapped along with the beat I was captivated to, one ear bud got yanked off of my left ear. I looked at my left and sent John a death glare. ''Emma, please listen to me. It's been a year now since the last time we met and still we couldn't find you a better place to go. Please collaborate.'' His soft glare made me sigh but I didn't respond.

Yes it's been a year since my father died in front of me, since the day I left hell to live in a purgatory, a line between hell and heaven. I'm like a ghost stuck in the human world. Heaven nor hell is ready to open their doors for me.

So here I am, wandering around houses after houses and families, after families, after families.

Every foster family I went to complained on things such as cigarettes, drinking and sneaking out; but there is one thing that John doesn't understand, they all complained about how I didn't talk to any of them.

Yes. I don't talk too much. The only person I talk with is John. But when I open my mouth to say few words or phrase, I always end up on mumbling them or suffocate them with a whisper.

''I'm tired...'' I mumbled as I received a glare from John. ''I know, Emma. It's hard but if you continue on breaking all the rules that I and most of your foster families demand, you will end up alone.'' He sighed as he pulled up in a neighbourhood.

''I'm already alone'' I whispered as I felt a pair of hands clutch on to mine. My hands felt so small whenever John held them. John has a tan skin and messy curly hair which compliments his almond shaped brown eyes.

A small smile appeared on his face as he sighed and let go of his grip. He tucked locks of his hair behind his ear as he took out his paper documents and a pen, whilst he wrote down few things, my eyes wandered around the place we were in.

This place was peaceful and nice as the houses were like colorful blocks wedged between them. I'm guessing that we are in a small town not far from my last location.

A throat being cleared out interrupted my gaze through the neighbourhood as I looked over John getting out of the car.

''Come on Emma, they're waiting.'' Impatient tone was evident on his phrase whilst he walked down the trunk to get my things.

I don't bring too much of my own stuff, it's either stuff I bought or stuff that my old foster families gave me.

I breathed out one last time as I finally got out of the car. I looked around me and noticed how John managed to  walk up on a brown house not far away from where the car is parked.

On the driveway of the house there's a blue jeep that looked like it had been through a lot these past few days or weeks. The crippled hood was showing the inside of it but enough to hide the big part of the engine.

Emma [S.Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now