Chapter - 44. The start of strom- II

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Tanisha's Pov:

Jivika Boudi ( sister-in-law ) dragged me out from the study room. She force me to get ready. So that we can leave for shopping and spa. After getting ready, we left for mall.

After spending two hours, jivika Boudi (sister-in-law) finally choose something for me. After that she dragged to a parlour. Apparently she want me to change my mood and my look. So, with the help of beautician she get me ready like i'm not a married women.

The beautician hide my vermilion so perfectly and because of my high neck frock my nuptial chain also got hidden.

''Perfect! Now you look like a girl who's ready for a date. Brother and you didn't get the chance to go for a date before marriage. And a date before marriage has next level thrill. I hope you guys can enjoy it.'' Jivika said.

''Jivi, it doesn't matt..''

''Of course! It matters. You'll know it, when brother will come. Now, shush.. Don't argue with me.'' Jivika said cutting me off in the middle.

After paying the bill we came out from the parlour. She called Avi, asking him to come fast.

''Sister-in-law do you know the best part of mall's??" Jivika asked me.

''No.'' I replied confused.

''Food court.'' She grinned cheekily before dragging me there. I don't know what is wrong with her, she's dragging me everywhere.

She ordered french fries, burger and cold drink for herself and coffee for me. As i'm going out with Avi. We were walking towards the table talking amongst ourselves.

Suddenly Jeevika boudi's foot slipped and the tray of food she had in her hand fell on the man sitting in front.

''What the .....??" The man in front of us shouted.

And we both look at each other horrified. Without wasting time we said sorry to him. When he turned, we bow our heads.

''Don't you have fucking common sense???....aahhh..fuck it's burning like hell.'' When he said so, we raised our heads and looked at him. I took the tissue from the near table and started wipping his hands.

When i look at him again he was staring at me. So, i took a step back and again said sorry. Jivi Boudi ( sister-in-law ) come with ice cubs and give it to him and then explained him that how she tripped and said sorry.

''It's okay. I know its was not intentional. It just that it was burning and that's why i shouted on you guys. I'm sor...''

''Please! Don't say sorry. Intentional or not It was our fault. We are sorry.'' I said cutting him off. Suddenly Jivi's phone started ringing.

''It's Sayan. They must have arrived. I think we should go otherwise you know your brother will start his chik chik. Ugh... Actually It's my husband, he's waiting downstairs. We have to go. I'm sorry once again.'' Sister-in-law said that to both of us.

He was about to say something but before that Jivika Boudi dragged me from there.

''Chal chal jaldi. ( let's go fast). It's so embarassing.''

''That was rude. He was about to say something, and moreover It was your fault.'' I said.

But she just narrowed her eyes at me. After that we went to the parking lot. When i stand infront of Avi, he was awestruck looking at me.

Looking at him blushing, i tucked loose hair behind my ears. Both jivika and Brother coughed to bring us back to real world.

''I think i did a good job.'' Sister-in-law praised herself raising her imaginary coller.

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