review #114: Blindsided

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author: courtney457

read it if: you want a cute couple and a promise of a kick ass storyline


Hope Westing has never been able to see the world for what it really is. He views the world as a place with evil wrapped up and hid somewhere in the cracks of every crevice. His mother is overprotective, but she contains a secret that will keep him questioning day after day why his father has yet to return after being gone for three long years. It takes a strong, yet shy, young girl to bring him into the reality of seeing the world as a beautiful thing. Ellie Castor, with more dark secrets than she lets on, shows him the bright side of life and its many wonders. In return for his kindness, Ellie makes a promise to him that she will never forget. She promises to teach him to drive. Follow this story through the eyes of darkness and light while Hope learns the truth behind thousands of secrets that beckon to be answered


I really like this story. Though blind people is kind of a topic I judge in stories cause I know how to have a close blind relative(my grandpa), this story pulls it off.

I like how the blind guy likes to be a independent person and has a curious name, I like how the girl manages to be nice to the guy even though she has problems every day, and I love how cute they look together

The plot promises big stuff for the future, so I'm waiting for a lot to happen

note to author:

if you're reading this, thanks for making this. Between this story and "Into the warzone", I prefer this story because it's easier to understand, it's cuter and I'm more eager to see the rising action. Doesn't mean that you should pay less attention to the other story, just saying who is my "favorite kid" hehe. Keep writing and take care ;)

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