One leep and it's over!

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Iruma's POV unless said otherwise!

I was standing on a rooftop sick of everything. Since I could remember I was working my whole life. Never was I actually able to go to a school. I always had to work for my parents so they could have the life they wanted.

Was I supposed to get on a tuna boat to help earn a living which on the other hand I would never see a penny from it. I was tired and sick of doing this.

Me: *Sigh*....

Why can't I have normal people for parents?

Why can't I have a normal life?

Am I not their child?

Am I adopted or something?

Why are they doing this to me?


Does it really matter?

Why am I even asking...

This is stupid.

I am talking to myself in the last moments of my life.

Well it was a shitty ome to begin with...


I don't own my own life.

It never belonged to me. . .

This is only right.

I could feel the wind brushing against my hair and face as I was standing there ond the edge of the building. It was true that I was supposed to get on a tuna boat but I ran away. I got sick amd tired of staying and doing what my parents wanted me to do.

Me: ... At least it will be over soon.

That was all I said before closing my eyes and jump. However little did I know that I wasn't alone on this rooftop.

As I waited and wait d for the fall to end, I suddenly realized that the wind stopped blowing against me and I didn't felt the pull of gravity to my doom. That was also the moment I realized that someone was holding me.

Me: Huh?

??? : Don't you know how dangerous it is?

Me: Are you here to collect my soul?

It was quite obvious for me that this in front of me was a demon. Only question in my mind was why was he here and what did I do wrong?

I always thought that good boy go to heaven and bad boy only go to hell. However why was it that I had a demon holding me now?

Did I ever do something wrong?

Was I ever bad?

I never stole nor did I ever say no to a request.

I tried my best to behave and be the good boy everyone wantede to be.

So why was a demon holding me im their hands then?

I was quite confused seeing the demon holding me. He was told and looked old but not that old too. He had horns, wings and tail like a demon should have.

Did I lost it?


Who knows.

Maybe I was even hallucinating right now and I hit the ground a long time ago.

I certainly couldn't tell if this was real or not and I didn't even care.

??? : You are roght with one point. I am here to take you with me.

Me: Do what you want.

There was no life, no emotion in my voice. I have long been shunt and closed myself off from the world. I even decided to die and made the first move. It didn't matter of I would bie by my hands or a demons hand now. I didn't care about that at all.

Me: Can you just make it quick and painless?

??? : Iruma you misunderstood.


How does he know my name

Ah it doesn't matter.

I don't care if I egt to heaven or hell...

Just someone end this quickly.

As I was thinking that I let the demon take me wherever he wished to take me. While he was doing that I felt quite tored from everything.

I was exhausted. I worked day and night to survive and get something to drink and eat. There was never a day in my entire life I could rest. I was always quite scared of not being able to eat or drink something or even have a roof above my head even if it meant a make shift cardboard box as a roof or a tree to hold me dry from a rain storm.

It didn't tale long for my body to shut off and I didn't care at all, this was why I jad my guard down and soon feel asleep im this demons arms.

I was tired.

I was hungr and malnourished.

No one ever cared for me and I did my best to survive but enough was enough. I have had it. This life I was living wasn't worth it and I would rather rest than go om.

Without even thinking I managed to close my eyes and drift away without worry or anything. I didn't even expect to life another day.

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now