A bit of my story...

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Opera: Iruma....

Me: ...

Opera: Iruma...

???: GRRRRR!!!!

Opera: PST, Araysh!

Me: Mh...

I was slepping so nicely right next to this dog when I felt a light tab and Opera calling my name. It didn't take me long... well that is a lie. It took me quiet a bit to wake up and look at Opera in confusion.

Opera: Good morning, Iruma.

Me: Morning....

Opera: What you doing down here?

Me: Finding anything that would kill me.

Opera: You still at it?

Me: Yeah. 

Opera: Iruma, why do you want to kill yourself?

Me: Because my being is useless.

Opera: But it isn't.

Me: How do you know?

Opera: Because you still live. That tells me that you are strong.

Me: .... That's not true.

Opera: It is.

Me: Why do you care?

Opera: Because we demons know better than anyone else how precious life is. We don't take it at granted like humans.

Me: ...

Opera: Listen, I don't care what happened in your life and if you don't want to talk that is fine too but I want you to know that life here is different. You will have me, Kalego, Sullivan and so many more people helping you stand up again.

Me: Why care tho! I am a human and not a demon.

Right as I said that, the dog moved a bit and started licking my hand. I immedtiately started petting it and it was Opera who looked a bit surprised.

Opera: You might not know this but this is Araysh. He never let anyone near him at all.

Me: Is that the reason he is chained?

Opera: Yes. 

Me: Is it bad that I let him go?

Opera: No. It's fine. He seemed to recognized you as his owner now.

Me: .... 

Opera sat down right next to me and I knew what this was about to to be. I for some reason also felt the need to tell him about my past.

Me: You know... my life isn't pretty

Opera: Iruma... I want you to know that you don't have to talk at all.

Me: It's fine.

Opera: If you say so....

Me: I think you know that my parents would do anything for money and so they sold me to soo many people already. I was always someones slave and had to work in order to live.

Opera: Is this why you had that many scars?

Me: Yeah. I would be punished with a couple of things and I never got really treated for it. 

Opera: I am so sorry.

Me: For what? It's not your fault and you haven't done a thing to me.

Opera: Iruma, is this why you want to end it?

Me: ... I never found the joy in life. I am just tired of going on. What is there for me. Why are you all so eager to stop me from committing? Why?

Opera: I know this sounds dumb but it will get better. I want you to find something you enjoy and do it.

Araysh: ARRROOO!!!

Opera: How about we start little by litte. Can you give me a chance? If you still don't like it, I won't stop you anymore.

Me: Promice?

Opera: Yes.

Araysh: GGRRRRR!!!

Opera: Anyways, I came to get you for breakfast but how about we go out for a bit before that and let Araysh run around for a bit?

Me: Sounds good.

This was how we went outside and I watched Araysh run around the infront of the mansion and at some point, Opera put me on his back and the dog was running around while I was running around. 

It was fun and I laughed a lot and after that Opera came to us with a basked. It was clear now that we would do some breakfast picknick and instead of going to school where they would summon their familiar like Opera told me, we stayed at home and played with the dog. 

I couldn't help it at the end of the day and think about what Opera told me. 

A chance....

I don't think I will lose anything about it.

Might as well see what he wants me to do... 

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now