Why... Awww soo cute!

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So apparently the guy who did wanted to duel me was called Asmodeus Alice and all I could think of was Alice in wonderland but whatever. After the teacher got wind of the duel, it was Kalego who was still in that smaller form but he jumped in front of me hissing at Alice and I think he summoned his own familiar which was a 3 headed dog. 

Opera: How dare you!

Alice: It is my right to duel.


Do it!

I want to die!

I can see your fire....


This can kill me soo nicely.

Sullivan: That is right and I am thrilled you want to do this but this child here is my grandson and he is suicidal.

The moment he said that I saw Alice eyes go wide open.... Yeah, yeah I was suicidal but whatever. I didn't get what the big deal about this all was and before I knew what was going on, he was in front of me and appologized to me.

Alice: I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

Oh come on!

What's the big deal of wanting to die?!

Come on!

My life is mine and not yours!

Why are you all deciding what's best for me?!

Me: Nah, it fine. Still cann you kill me with these flames?

Opera: Iruma!

Me: Fine, sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

Why you mad at me?

It is me that wants to die!!

Why you freaking out?

Alice: Iruma, right?

Me: Mh.

Alice: Nice to meet you. 

Opera: Can you please stay with this child and make sure he won't get into trouble?

Ah hell nah!

I don't want that.

I have Kalego as a familiar now....

Which I still don't want to.

How the hell am I gonna get rid of him?

I don't need a familiar that would stop me from commiting!

This is soo unfair!

Why do they have to stop me?!

Alice: Sure. It is my responsibility to do that as the school first ranked demon.

Me: .... first ranked?

Alice: I got first ranked in the entrance exam.

Me: Ohh congrats.

Alice: Thanks.

While this was going on, the teachers started to tell everyone to get home. No one was about to talk what happened but of course things started spreading and I could basically hear everyone talking about me being suicidal as well as me having Kalego as a familiar. This was annoying.

After that day, we all went back home and when I was in my room once again, I started looking out for some stuff to kill myself but couldn't find a thing, so I got out of the room and started exploring this castle until I got to the dungon.

Me: Uhh something will kill me down here for sure.


Left or right....

Ah I ama go downstairs....

What was that?

What is making these rattling sound.

Something dangerous must be there for them to need to put something on chains.

I mean they are demons after all....

Okay down we go.

While I was walking in these dark and pitchblack hallways, I suddenly managed to get to a large room and I was met with a huge dog like thing. It was black and dark and fluffy?


Cute little fella.

Wanna bite me?

Tear me up?

Be my guest!

It was fun how this huge dog came  at me and I was soo not scared at all of it and all of the sudden it pounced and I found myself on the ground as well as this dog snuggeling and licking me

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It was fun how this huge dog came  at me and I was soo not scared at all of it and all of the sudden it pounced and I found myself on the ground as well as this dog snuggeling and licking me.


You are soo cute!

Stop it.

Your fur is tickeling me....

Me: HAHAHA enough, please.

???: ARROOOO!!!!

Me: Huh... you are chained here.... Let me try to get you free.

I wonder why he is chained down to begin with.

This is just a nice dog anyways.

I didn't know if I was supposed to do that or not but this dog seemed very playable and pretty nice too. So I did it anyways. Before I knew it however, I started snuggeling with it and petting it as well as give it some belly rubs. I totally forgot about time and somehow ended up sleeping in the same area like this huge 2 meter dog.

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now