Who's idea was this?

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I don't know why we were litteraly outdoors with a class I don't even know but good thinking. 

The so called abnormal class was now my class since Kalego took that one over and he basically volunteered to have me as a student the moment he dropped me. I was his problem so to say. However I wasn't in school the past 2 days since I found Araysh and it was fun enjoying some time with that dog. That was also the reason I was with said dog in school. 

At first the class complained but after the fact got revealed that I didn't have wings and the rumors of me being suicidal going around, they quickly shut up. The one good thing about this dog was that it could literally fly. I don't get how but it could apparently run on nothing but air.

So he was my little pet carrying me around and making sure not to drop me.

Kalego: We are doing a race here. This will determind which rank you will be. Iruma you staying with me.

Me: Mhm....

While Kelgo was focused on the class to tell them what was going on, I went to the edge and I wished I could just jump but noooo!

Not even the dog was letting me do that since it linda picked me up by the collar of my uniform and brought me back to Kalego who just siad "Good job" to it. The other demons looked at me with their pityfull eyes and I couldn't take it anymore. This was soo annyoing. It wasn't as if I couldn'T do anything. I was just sick and tired of it.

Me: Kalego-sensei?

Kalego: Yes?

Me: Can I join them wiht Araysh?

Kalego: Sure. 

Since it was the first time I asked for anything, he let me do so and while the others went ahead and were about to fly off, I went on Araysh back.

Me (whispering): Show them what you got. I am can't take their looks anymore.

Araysh: ARROOOOO!!!!!

The dog howled up as he started running towards the egde and then jumping into the sky. You see.... this was a flying course and of course there were two ways, a hard one and an easy one. The hard one was tabo while the easy one was open for us. Apparently the guardian of the valley didn't let us pass there. 

Still while I was flying on Araysh back slowly and steady since I found it rather amusing to see the others struggle for a bit, I could see one idiot of my class take the hard way.

Me: Araysh..... go left.

Araysh: RROOO!

Me: I know you complaining but go left please. Even if I am suicidal, I won't let someone get killed when they don't even wish for it. They won't let me die so I'll do the same.

Araysh: Wuff.

That was all I got as answer before we started heading that way. I couldn't help it but be a bit annoyed and angry that this guy was about to die since he disobeyed Kalego-sensei and I who tried their hardest to die can't die. So in the end I decided to get there myself.

Luckily for this demon, I've just managed to get in time to actually let Araysh pick him up while we were basically running away up into the sky. He seemed badly injured and as we were running away this... this.. this thing was chasing us.


I couldn't help it. I knew how precious life was and it was at this moment that I didn't wanted to die. In fact I who wanted to die this badly recognized the hardship in life. I had a feeling if I would die, Araysh would go on a killing spree and this thing as well as this demon would die as well. 

I didn't wanted that. So in the end, I couldn't see any other way then to call for my familiar which immediately came through the summon circle I always had with me thanks to Opera.

In a matter of fact we managed to escape and the guardian of the valley aka that thing chasing us went back. We also managed to get to the meetup point first. Once there I could already hear Kalego scolding me but for once I felt fear and I was shaking.

Until now, I never feared death but that thing made me shake and fear it soo badly. I saw the huge teeth of it and we were close to being swalled. I never wanted them to die. I... I...

What did I even want?

Up unitl now I never thought I would value my life this much to say I was scared of dying.

Kalego: IRUMA!

It was only the moment Kalego hugged me that I snapped out of it.

Me: Huh?

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now