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After that little bit, Opera basically told Kalego that he has to take care of me since I will be placed in his class since he had the nerves to just drop me like that. Honestly I would have appreciated the complet drop and not being caught in the middle of it. I would be fine too.

However before anything I was actually told there was a entrance event where they didn't wanted me to attend at all. So in the end Kalego had to stay with me in the same room since Opera had to go there with Sullivan. This was the true reason for them to actually bring me here.

Kalego: *Sigh* I don't know what happened to you but I want you to know that as a demon we are strong in nature.

Me: Good for you.

Kalego: Kid, you don't have to think about ending your life. Even if you can't fly, getting a familiar will be very usefull to you.

Me: Familiar? 

Kalego: *Sigh* Don't tell me you don't know what that is...

Me: Should I? I don't care. Hey, do you think someone can die by telling people they are human?

Kalego: Kid, eventho you have clipped wings, doesn't mean people will believe you are a human. They are a legend and don't even try.

Me: ....

Kalego: *Sigh* A familiar is a creature that is obeying their master and also making sure they are safe.

Me: Will they die when the master die?

Kalego: No.

Me: Why would they serve someone?

Kalego: That's the way it works.

Me: Aha....

Kalego: Come with me.

So I followed this teacher to a room and then he told me to sit down while he would do some preparations. Once he was done there was a pentagram on the ground, some candles all around it and then he painted something on a paper and told me to cover it with a bit of blood and then burn it.

Well since I really didn't care and just wanted to be left alone, I did what he said. Honestly I was hoping this would kill me but nooo. In contrary I got into more trouble.

The moment I burned this paper, all of the sudden I had Kalego in front of me. He looked at me and I was quite wondering if this was the thing that was supposed to do. He was kinda half in the ground and half not.

Me: Kalego-san are you alright?

Kalego: Get me out of here.

Me: Okay.

So I tried to push him back down but he started telling me it hurt so I went over to his other side of the body and pushed it up completly through the whatever magic circle it was. Not soon after that there was a puff and a lot of smoke and I had a small creature in front of me.

 Not soon after that there was a puff and a lot of smoke and I had a small creature in front of me

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It was a small creature that looked a bit cute but also creepy and dark. This creature was looking at me and before I knew it, I heard Kalego's voice coming from it.

Kalego: What the freaking hell!

Me: Ahm... What now?

Kalego: Undo this!

Me: How?

Kalego: Fucking undo this.

Me: How about you kill me and it will be undone?

Kalego: NO!

Thankfully that puff and all the smoke alarmed some students or teacher or whatever because soon after this, I had Opera in front of me and he had Kalego picked up by his neck.

Opera: What happened here?

Me: He wanted me to summon a familiar.

Opera: *Sigh*

Kalego: Undo this!

Sullivan: You know the rules for familiar.

The moment I heard the voice coming from behind me, I turned around only to see some teachers, my apparently new grandpa and then also some students. There was especially this one that looked different. He was not wearing the same thing and he had something around him that was telling me he wasn't happy about this and of course he wasn't because right whlie the teachers were talking it out, I was actually asked for a duel.

Ohh this can only end up bad for me....


I would wish for it and prey to the all mighty lord to let me finally die and escape this.

Whatever this is!

Whatever this is!

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Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now