Don't touch me!

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I don't know how or when but I ended up sleeping in this huge room and bed last night in the demons castle. I was just to exhausted from everything that happened. It wasn't much but my mental health wasn't by far up for dealing with that at all.

Then again it was late when the demon saved me from that rooftop and it was already midday or so I thought from the color of the sky while jumping out of the window too. There was also the fact that my body is so used to a strict sleeping schedule that it turns itself off at a specific hour.

This bed is really nice...

I can't believe I let them bring me here only to live a day more.

I really hoped that he would kill me but look at me now...

Gosh this is so not something I want to.

Why can't they just offer me to a greater demon or for use me to create some potions or whatever shit?

I am tired of this!

I was laying in that huge bed thinking of ehat I could do next. That was when I heard a knock on the door to my room.

Opera: Iruma-kun?

Me: ...

Oh not this again!

Can't they just let me rest?... Like for eternity?

That would be much appreciated.

I didn't answer the door still it eas opened and Opera came in silently. The moment he saw me he immediately went smiling and wishing me a good morning. Tho in my opinion this morning just sucked. Me being alive was the biggest mistake there was in my life.

Opera: Me and Sullivan thought it would be best for you to stay at home. He wanted you to attend Babylus but I am opposed to that.

Me: It doesn't matter where I am.

Opera: ... It does and I hope you will come to see that life here will be different.

Me: ...

I don't care!

I don't want a different life!

I want no life!

I want to be death!

Why can't anyone understand that?

Opera: Tho it would be nice if you could have some interaction with some demons.

Me: Can they kill me.

Opera: Thay can but they won't with me around.

Me: So you gonna babysit me?

Opera: You might say that. Tho I will be only watching over you.

Me: Great... Just great.

Opera: Anyways breakfast is ready. Get changed and I'll be waiting in front of your door.

Me: Is it poisonous?

Opera: No.

Me: I am not hungry.

Opera: Iruma you have to eat.

Me: Why?

Opera: You need the energy and the nutritions besides it is quite delicious.

Me: Still no thanks.

Opera: Then how about a tea at least.


That sounds good.

I never could afford to just sip on some tea.

Tho what does it mean if I'll kill myself soon anyways.

I just have to find a way to do it in secret so that he wouldn't know.

He said there isn't any poison in the food but maybe it's just like that for humans.

Should I still try it out?

Could be worth a try and if it doesn't work, I'll search for another way.

Me: I'll change and come out.

The moment I said that I could see his face lighten up and that was when I realized how much he could smile. Even a Cheshire smile wasn't describing his smile. He turned around and left the room but he had the door not completely closed for safety reasons I assumed.

So what am I supposed to wear?

I went to the wardrobe in my room and opened it up to find a blue uniform which looked childish a bit.

You gotta be kidding.

This huge thing and only a uniform inside?

Is this a school uniform?

I mean Opera said something about that demon wanting to put me in school...

Well guess I'll find out.

Since I didn't know any better I put this clothes on and went to the door to exit the room. However something caught my interest and so I went to the plant in my room. I never seen such a plant before.

It looked pretty nice but I could have sworn that it was also moving a bit and so when I stretched my hand out to pet the petals they all of the sudden transformed into some sharp blades and it snapped at me.

Opera: Oop. Bad plant!

Before I knew what was happening Opera just its flower head. I could swear I could have heard a yelp coming from it which made me only back up and fall to the ground.

Me: ...


That plan could have killed me...


Why did you safe me?

Damn it!

Now I know how to die.

It seems it's easier to die in this demon realm then earth.

Plus whoever wanna eat me could do that too.

It's a free meal after all.

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now