Window my dear friend...

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The moment I saw the window, I made my way to it and they demons in the room where just looking at me. Still I didn't cared at all. This was just ridiculous and soo out of the ordinary. I had long enough of the world and it's surprises for me, that I deicded I would't deal with this shit for sure. 

Life, you are a bullshit eating bastard!

How can you look down on me?!

You know what tho?

Please let me die in peace!

I hope to never see ya again and not be a part of you anymore.

So with a my last word said to the world, I went over till I was like 2 metters away and then started dashing and jumped out of it, breaking the glass. I felt the pain from the glass cutting my skin and I also felt the air rushing against me. For some reason this felt soo nice that I closed my eyes and just let it all rush past me.

Sullivan: IRUMA!

Opera: SHIT!

Sorry to have done this in front of you but you guys are demons, so death and blood shouldn't be gruesome or anything for new for ya.

I really hope, not to be reborn.

If you can use my sould for something than go ahead and do so, if it didn't vanish after the impact...


Most importantly don't resurrect me!

I had enough of this all.

As I was praying for my death to come, the wind stopped rushing past me and I once again felt some hands around me. This was definitelly weird but it was familiar so I knew someone just caught me.

The hell....

I opened my eyes to see the red headed demon look at me. Opera definitely looked worried but also sad for some reason. Now that was something I didn't expect coming from a demon.

Me: Can you let me go?

Opera: I fear this is not possible.

Me: *Sigh*

Opera: Let's get back inside shall we?

Me: I would rather you throw me down.

The demon didn't respond to that but I could see how much he didn't liked this reply. Still he flew back up and put me down on the floor this time, close to where they were. Now that I was back up, I thought that I would definitelly getting scolded for breaking a window. What I didn't expect was for this larger demon, Sullivan, to come at me and hug me while crying rivers.

I felt soo awkward and bad for jumping out the window in front of this demon but then again, I didn't quite care a lot. It was jusr a short timed feeling before I felt empty again. I really wished to offer myself to the world and end it but here I was.... not being able to die at all.

Sullivan: Why?! *sob*

Me: I am tired.

Opera: I'll prepare a room.

Me: A coffin would be more appreciated.

Me and my faul mouth. The moment I said that the demon started crying even more. You know what at this point, I was just done with everything again. I had the demon around my neck hugging and crying while the red head went out of the room. He went out and left me with a crybaby.

Now question was... what was I to do now?

Like really?

I was soo awkward and he felt heavy around my neck. Not to mentoin that my shirt got wet and it felt soo weird. 

Me: Excuse me, Sir. Demon... Could you let go of me?

Sullivan: Call me grandpa, Iruma-chan.

Me: Definitelly not.

Sullivan: Please my lovely grandchild.

Me: Can you let go?

Sullivan: But no jumping out the window again.

Me: Fine, I won't do that for now.

Sullivan: For now? Not now and not in the future!

He finally let go of me and I saw how he repaired the window with magic. After that Opera came into the room and walked towards me. It looked as if he was looking me from top to bottom until he decided to lead me over to the big chair. 

At this point I was a lifeless being. My attempt failed and whatever they would do to me wasn't my problem anymore. So I did what he asked me to do or more like lead me to.

Once I sat down, he grabbed my arm and looked at the wounds since I was basically in a short sleve T-shirt. 

Opera: This will hurt a bit.

He started cleaning up my wounds and for some reason Sullivan came to me and hugged me again... Now this was starting to get annoying.

Sullivan: Oh Iruma-chan be strong! Grandpa will reward you afterwards.

Me: *sigh*

This is really ridiculous.... and annoying...

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