Food is never an option to die!

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After that morning call we went to the denying hall where Sullivant was already waiting for me. There was a lot of food on it too. At this point I was questioning if there were living more demons in here or not cause a person alone wouldn't be able to eat all this.

Now that I'm looking closer to the table, it was only dect out for 2 people.

Me: Ahm are there living more people here?

Opera: No.

Me: Then why so much food?

Sullivan: Because we don't know what you like to eat.

Me: Anything is fine.

Sullivan: Iruma-chan. You are now my grandson, you'll only get the finest food. 

Still haven't agreed to all that grandson bullshit.

Why not eat me as a buffet?


Okay I am not much to snack on but stil....

Opera guided me over to a seat and immediately stood beside me like the buttler he was. I knew this because I wasn't blind. I could see the masters and servents relationship between them. Besdies that they did trust in each other which was also good.

That butler started putting food on my plate and I at first thought that this would kill me for sure. I was even eager to try hell food out. This not only looked unedible but also poisonous which I was welcoming very much. 

Let's be honest. I was afraid of pain but not as much as I wanted to just die. So all in all, I didn't care if I would start spitting out blood or would fall over because I was having pain and then die in a painful way because of the poison. For all I cared, they could put me on a table and disect me alive or skin me too. 


This is kinda tasty....

This is better than the old moldy bread I would usually get.

Is this heaven?


Why isn't this poisonous?

Am I even supposed to enjoy hell food?


Get your shit together!

I want to die and not start enjoying life! 

I did enjoy the meal and after that I was all of the sudden forced to sit in a carrage where I was basically going to somewhere with a lot of demon. Who knows where Sullivan decided to take me but I knew that Opera was against it since they has a huge fight over it.

Tho it wasn't my place to say a thing so I stayed quiet the whole ride until I realized we were in a carriage and it was dirving at full speed. While these two demons were too busy to argue with one another, I decided to stand up and jump out of the carrage.

Ah finall!



Why does this not surprise me.

There was a cliff and I was basically looking down at it but I stopped falling and I felt someone holding me around my waist.

Opera: Iruma this is not something you should have done.

Me: I didn't broke the window this time.

Opera: But you would have killed yourself. This is more than just deadly.

Me: And so what?

Opera: *Sigh* Iruma, I'm bringing you back home.

Me: Can you perhapse drop me if I am to heavy?

Opera: No.

While he brought me back to the carrage, Sullivan looked at me and decided it would be even more important for me to attend apparenlty Babylus which was a school for demons. Still didn't get why I had to attend but there would probably be a way to be killed so I was welcoming it.

So in the end instead of flying back home, Opera flew me to this school where I was brought to the teachers office, where everyone could look at me.

Sullivan: This is my grandchild Iruma-chan.

Me: ....

Opera: He is suicidal and you all know what that means.

It really just took them to hear the words suicidal to either gasp or let go of things they had in hands like papers and so on.

Me: Is there something wrong?

Teacher 1: Why would you want to end your precious devilish life?

Me: Because it's useless anyways and who are you to say no to my wish? It's my life after all.

That was all I said to this green haired short demon before just going to the window and look outside. Opera followed me to the window since last time I jumped through it but this time I knew better and just looked outside it. This was startgn to feel more than ridiculous. I was a human being in demonic world, surrounded by demons and I can't die!

What a waste of resources here.

Guardian Demon (Suicidal Iruma)Where stories live. Discover now