Phantom's Debut

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Harley Quinn was in a cage, being carried behind a circus tent. A blanket was draped over the cage, so no one could see she needed help, and tape was put over her mouth, so she couldn’t call for it. Then she heard the screams. And smelt the smoke. The blanket lifted to reveal the face of Tarrant Hightop.

“Howdy doo Miss Quinn!” He greeted, then unlocked the cage and pulled off her tape.

“Hatman! What are you doing here?”

“We’ve come to rescue you before the tent moves again tomorrow!”

“But…. why?”

“You’re one of us now aren’t you? We Phoenixes can’t leave each other behind.”

“Oh well, I guess so.” She chuckled, blushing beneath her white makeup. Her last boyfriend would have never saved her like this. But it would seem, her new friends were different. Her new friends weren’t villains, just a bunch of misunderstood, good-hearted, weirdos, like her. Tarrant took Harley’s hand and helped her out of the cage, he took a bow when she rose up.

They watched the flames lap up and climb the red and white stripes, and the smoke billow up, carrying the screams of the fleeting rich people who came to laugh and gawk at the people different from them. The wooden bleachers inside collapsed, further scaring the animals now set free to run away from their cruel captor.

“The fire is a big much for a distraction, don’t you think?”

“Well actually that was more of revenge on Barnum for poisoning Miss Addams than a distraction.”

“Ah, makes sense. She really is a lovely woman, inside and out.”

“And makes excellent hemlock tea.”

“Oooo I bet it’s great for the singing voice.”

“THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA IS COMING FOR YOUUUUUU!” Phantom sang ominously as she chased people away from the tent.

“Speaking of singing.”  Tarrant giggled, gesturing to the lumbering cloaked man. Harley’s eyes widened in surprise and glee.

“Aww so there is a heart hiding behind that mask.” Suddenly, a girl in a blue dress with blond hair popped up beside Tarrant.

“Setting fire to a corrupt company. That completes my Six Impossible Things list for this visit Hatta.” She said.

“Oh that’s splendid.” Tarrant clapped giddily.


Back at the hotel, the performers of Barnum’s circus were given rooms to stay in, relieved they were finally free from his exploitation. Morticia slowly got better, Gomez made she sure she had a new bouquet of thorns everyday. Gomez invited Harley to sing again to celebrate, but she had another idea.

“No! No, no, no, no. Oh, and another thing, NO!” Phantom responded.

“Come on Opera Boy it’s not going to kill ya!”

“I can’t! I haven’t performed without my mask since…. I’ve never performed with out it…. I don’t exactly have what the kid’s call these days, bewitching good looks.”

“You have to learn not to be so insecure someday, pushing people away is absolutely ruining your dating life and your career in the arts. You have to show your true authentic self, bare your inner soul! Take off that mask and get on that stage.”

“What about you, you’re almost always wearing masks and make-up yourself!”

“Hey, my costumes and get-ups are for self-expression. They’re to show more of me, not less. You use yours to hide. It’s the same reason you sing instead of talk, the reason you live in basements, the reason you scare people. They’re all stuff for you to hide behind, because you’re the one who’s scared…. But I believe you can do it Phantom. You can stop hiding here at the Gothic Phoenix, we’re all like you. We won’t judge. Just be yourself.”

“....I don’t know Harley. Last time I showed my face, I lost the love of my life. I’m just starting to make friends, I don’t want to lose you guys too.” Phantom turned away, about to go back down stairs, when Harley put her hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, I think scars are cool…. And, I know what it’s like to lose someone you love, I don’t want you to feel that same pain again. Just give me a chance, give all of us a chance, to give you chance…. Okay?”

“….Okay….okay, I’ll try.”

And he did. And the other Phoenixes, loved it.

The End

[If you liked this chapter, than you might like this song: The Sound of Silence a cover by Disturbed, and imagine Phantom is singing it without his mask. Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed it.]

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