Versus the New Evil - Part 1

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(Ryans POV)

Harris called early on a Sunday morning saying scanners had picked up the mosquito monster that was still out there and called the team to the robot, an hour later we were running down the side of the river in the robot chasing after the monster all of us were there even Dakota. 

While we both said the words 'I like you' to each other, we haven't spoken much since then. It has been a few weeks and I don't really think either of us know where to go from here. I'm not really doing my self any favors, because after Dakota left that night, Spyder, Harris and Mark met me in the X-deck and asked what happened and I didn't want to tell them, so I lied and said I told her, but she needed time to think about it, and I have been giving her the benefit of the doubt that she wanted some time away from the robot but I do often wonder where we would be right now if I hadn't blew off the team that day.

"Oh no son you're not going anywhere." Harris said as we caught up with the monster.

"We gotta finish him off." I stated.

"Boss level missiles coming right up." Spyder smacks his hand on the launch button.

"It's moving to fast and dodging all our missiles." Harris added.

"Right that's how Ryan blew up the school." Spyder said.

"Me?" I asked. "Really."

"Really, was it not you because I'm pretty sure it wasn't me." Dakota stated sarcastically in her chair behind me.

"It's ghosting." Harris said as the monster disappeared. "We need our new weapon that can blanket the area." We took a hit out of no where and I said,

"D, would you check on Mark and see what is taking him so long!" I asked.

"Way ahead of you." She said, sticking her head down the hatch door and yelling "Mark! Whatever your doing hurry up!" I could hear Mark yell something back but couldn't tell what he said. Dakota closed the hatch and walked back to her chair. "Mark says, 'I'm done! I remain awesome!'" She scoffed, mocking Mark at the same time. We took another hit as Harris said, 

"Bringing the new tech on line. Rerouting power."

"Sweet!" Spyder cheered, "arming cold cannon."

"I did not agree to call in that." Harris protests,

"Set the cold cannon to wide spectrum beam." I interrupt.

"I never get to name the weapons." Harris complains

"Hey, you got to admit cold cannons a little cool." Dakota said looking over her shoulder at Spyder who burst out laughing at the pun as he helped me fire the cannon.

"Really? Just couldn't help yourself?" I asked, As Mark came out of the elevator and the now frozen wasp fell to our feet.

"Okay, he's frozen!" Mark said. "Finish it bro" all I had to do was stomp right through the center with the robots boot and the wasp was just more history we could hopefully put behind us.

"All right, after weeks of hunting we finally crushed that thing." I said as Harris, Spyder Mark and I all began to unwind in the X-deck. "The last loose end from Harpers plan. It's over, it's finally over."

"The guy who tried to destroy the city, and waste us is gone." Mark smiled next to me on the couch as Harris stood up standing in front of us,

"And best of all tomorrows our first day at a new school!" He said overly excited. No one said anything until Harris spoke again. "I mean uh, party bot y'all!" He clapped his hands twice and a disco ball and lights fell from the ceiling and this electric, techno music started playing.

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