Versus the X-Weapon - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV) 

I watched Ryan walk from his bedroom, heading towards the stairs to meet his mom and brother. I sat in my room  anxiously waiting to see how this conversation was going to go. Ten or so minutes passed when he walked back in his room. 

"How'd that go?" I asked through both of our open windows.

"It was rough." He said walking around his room getting his things together, "Hey do me a favor, get the rest of the team together and meet us at the robot."

"Yeah of course I will." I said. "Wait are you bringing your mom to the robot?"

"Yes, I can't believe we're doing this, but she wants to see it." He answered. We both heard Marks voice call out for him. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck."


I did what he asked and called up the rest of the group, turns out they were still at the robot so I told them to try and stay out of the way for a little bit so Mark and Ryan could try to explain more. I made my way over there and ran up to the control center balcony to check the repair work while Mark and Harris continued checking the panels in the other rooms. When I practically  hearing the elevator door open.

"So you're Mech-4, you control the robot with your mind. And you and your friends are a part of a team that fight the monsters that have been attacking Bay City." I heard Graces voice say from below me. 

"Yeah." Ryan said. "Pretty much it."

"So this whole time, you guys have been lying to me?" Grace asked. Both brothers we;re awkwardly silent until Ryan had an idea. 

"Okay, uh I have an idea. We're trying to come clean right? So lets play a game of truth or truth."

"Truth or Truth is not a game." Grace said. 

"Well we're trying to get all our secrets out at once right? So Mark will tell one, you tell one and I'll tell one." Ryan explained.

"That sounds fun." Mark said trying to be encouraging. 

"Great Mark you start." Ryan says. 

"Um, I'm secretly a toilet tester." Mark says. "Every time I text you from 3:15 and 3:22 I'm on the toilet."

"That's when you always text me." Grace said disgusted.

"Right? Terrible, Okay Mom?" Ryan says to continue the conversation.

I- I wanna know more about this." Grace says looking around.

"And you will, but we're playing again, so truth or truth." He responded.

"Fine Truth. I don't actually make your birthday cakes I buy them. That's the gift I give to me." She says. Both the brothers seemed actually offended more than disgusted by that one.

"You didn't invent Choco the Whale?" Ryan asked. 

"I- I cook for a living Ryan, I- Stop that!" She said after seeing the smallest grin on Ryans face. "Your turn truth or truth." He walked down to the control pad as if he was thinking about what to say before turning back around. 

"Okay, I was given this robot to fight monsters, found out our principal as part of a conspiracy to destroy the world, almost killed her, and then we accidentally blew up our first high school, defeated your ex-boyfriend, found out the principal was still alive, went to search for my birth parents, found them, cured them of a disease, and last week we got stranded in the arctic and I went a bit crazy." He took a breath. "Whew I am so glad I got that of my chest." He said fist-bumping his brother. He then turned back to his mom but noticed me awkwardly sitting on top of the balcony. "Oh one more thing, Dakotas here too." Neither Mark or Grace noticed I was here so when he mentioned my name they both turned around.

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