3 Year Later.... (Part 2)

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(Dakotas POV)

I dropped in to the bowl when my time started, getting right after it. I got a lot of air on my first few grinds, direction changes before glancing at the clock. Eleven seconds. Go big or go home. Rode up the opposite side of the bowl, hit my famous 540, rode up the next ramp, and hit a second one. I feel like over everyone screaming and cheering, I could hear Ryan and the rest of my family above everyone else. Bryce was first to run up to me after I climbed out of the bowl, followed by Sky Brown of Great Britain.

"Remind me who you are again!" Bryce asks me while I laughed. 

"That was incredible!" Sky says.

"Kota that was fantastic!" Bryce says holding the side of my shoulders.

"Look!" Sky yells pointing at the score board. "60.09!"

"First place!" Bryce says while we start walking back over to the rest of the skaters who were all happy for me. As we passed the section of USA supporters I waved at my group with both hands in the air.

"We love you!" Spyder screamed at the top of his lungs.

Next up was the 12 year old, Hiraki from Japan. The silver medalist from the X-games qualifiers threw everything she had into the run, leaving her with a 58.06, right behind me in second place.  

The next run, was Sky Brown. She came right out of the gate with a beautiful frontside 360, and one of her signature handplants. Towards the end of her run she went for a kick flip, but fell out of it. She kept a smile on her face as she climbed out of the bowl.

"Hey good job." I said hugging her. 

"Yeah you did great." Poppy agrees. "Look, 3rd place 47.53." 

"I'll take it!" Sky laughs while we walk back to the group.

The final run in this wave was Okamoto from Japan. She was practically shot out of a cannon, her first trick was a huge 540, but she went of a transfer, falling out of it only a few seconds into her run. A handful of us went to tell her she was fine, but her Japanese teammate Hiraki, in her slightly broken English, told her it was best to leave her be. She was right since Okamoto came right out of the bowl and walked straight to one of the Japanese 'coaches' and only ended up with a 20.68. Last place. 

That was the final run in the wave, me in first, Hiraki in Second, Sky in third, my USA teammate Bryce in 4th. Two more runs to go. 

The second run flew by for me. Dora fell out of her run pretty quickly, so did Yndiara. Skaters are most likely to fall out of their second run, because they usually establish a 'base' in their first, then push themselves in the second. Poppy did amazing, moving herself up to fourth.  Bryce went next, but quickly fell out of her foot plant, which she usually lands flawlessly, but went for more air and didn't land it. I watched Bryce keep a good attitude when she was spinning around on the tail of her board before falling to the ground laughing before I dropped in for my run. I hit a super long smith grind, before also falling out of a kick flip. I just kept telling myself to brush it off so I didn't get in my own head while Hiraki, Sky and Okamoto ran their second runs. Hiraki improved her score, still in second, while Sky and Okamoto also fell out of their runs. Made me feel a bit better. 

At the end of the second runs, I was still in first by a hair, Hiraki was in second, and Okamoto jumped Sky Brown, putting herself in third. Time for the third and final run.

Dora kicked it up a notch, but fell out of a heel flip that was supposed to be her final trick. She high-fived her Brazilian teammate before walking over to the rest of us. Yndiara did the same thing in falling out of her run. Leaving both Brazilians in 8th and 7th place. 

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