Versus the Arctic - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

"How could he possibly know we were coming!" I asked in response. 

"It doesn't matter. Incoming!" Ryan says before we prepared to take a few hits. Traeger in his monster form was basically able to breath fire that hit us twice before going straight through our shields.

"I'm sorry. I... couldn't stop them all." Veracity apologies from her chair.

"I am making a note of the date and time, Veracity Campbell said sorry." Harris said from the jet.

"We're not going to get a shot at that weapon unless he gets off our backs. Spyder, Harris, let's see what this flight mode can really do." Ryan says to get us back on topic. Spyder begins to hit every button on his panel laughing the missels from the jet. After getting hit with our attack he flew out of sight.

"Is he dead?" Spyder wondered out loud. Out of no where the robot shook after we took a hit but we could see him anywhere.

"Unfortunately not." I said responding to Spyder.

"Where did he go?" Mark asked.

"We lost the scanners in the first attack." Veracity added.

"Hey! That cloud kinda looks like Harris's dad." Spyder said out of no where.

"It does not!" Harris protests, "Wait, it kinda does, it's even..."

"Hey guys can we focus, I'd like to make it home alive." I interrupted.

"I second that." Ryan says with his head on a swivel trying to find Traegar.

"You guys seriously just chat during battles how are you still alive?" Veracity asked.

"I ask myself that question every single day." I responded. We took another big hit before Ryan said,

"How can he hit us but we can't find him?" Ryan asks.

"Maybe he can smell Spyders underwear?" Mark suggests.

"It's possible we do not know the extent of his powers." Spyder says.

"What to you all not understand about the fact that we would like to make it home alive?" I asked again.

"Guys come one I need a way to find this thing." Ryan asks.

"What if we release the drones and spread them all over the clouds?" Harris suggests.

"Then we can program it to send out pulses that can hit the monster..." Veracity continues.

"And reflect the signal back to the robot like sonar." Harris finished. "Bam!"

"We'll find him!"

"Releasing the drones!" Harris said immediately after. "We're sending out the pulses and, got him! His bearing is two-three-four, Mark two-seven-nine."

"Right uh totally." Ryan said confused, as we all were.

"He means below us." Veracity said as if we were supposed to know what that meant.

"And he doesn't see us." Ryan observers before diving straight down at him. Both the robot and Traeger were know flying head first towards the ground, "I can't hold on much longer, fire everything!" Spyder did just that hitting every button on his panel.

"Dude pull up!" Mark yelled from the balcony.

"Impact in 30 seconds!" Veracity says.

"Just enough time to tell me what you got Mom." Mark asked.

"Seriously know?" Veracity asks.

"I'm not telling you!" Ryan refuses.

"I've got an idea for a gift I just want to make sure it's as good as yours!" Mark says.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now