Versus the Arctic - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

"Yup something's wrong." I heard Ryans voice say sitting next to me on a park bench.

"With?" I asked.

"You." He answered. "I've been calling your name, waving at you and I even called you twice. What's going on?"

"Oh nothing, just preoccupied with the whole flying to the arctic to take on Traeger to possibly save the world and we might not make it back alive, and I might have just lied to my sisters face." I explained. 

"Woah, you lied to your sister about something?" He questioned. "What did you do kill somebody?"

"No I didn't kill anybody." I chuckled. "I am usually pretty honest with her about what we do in the robot, but this time I just couldn't bring my self to tell her. I mean what if we don't come back? I don't want her to be worrying until we do or don't come back. So I didn't tell her everything and I already feel terrible about it."

"Hey I get it, I understand why you didn't want to tell her, but you don't have to worry about it we're going to be fine." He says.

"I hope."

"Come on, stop being sad and come say bye to my mom." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. "While she's out of town at a food festival, I'm going to be with Harris at an 'academic bowl' for 'emotional support'."

"Is it a bad thing we've become really good at lying?" I asked. We stopped walking when his phone rang.

"Hey you ready?" He said into the phone. "Yeah Im supposed to be Harris to some academic bowl and be his emotional support." I was curious if it was Harris, Spyder or Mark but what he said next told me the answer. "Cmon are you wearing that little costume your girlfriend made you wear?" Mark answered before Ryan looked at me and we both laughed. Ryan looked back at his mom before continuing. "All right, and then we'll take Mech-X4 up to the Arctic, we'll take on Traeger, we'll take on Traeger, and destroy the weapon, and then we'll be back before anybody else misses us." We imitated the sound a whip before hanging up.

"Okay but in all seriousness I really like Georgia." I said as we continued walking.

"Yeah Mark does too." He said. "I guess Walkers have a thing for brunettes." I stifled a laugh while Grace came up to us from her food truck. 

"Ryan, I want you and your brother to know that I'm on to you." She says approaching us, me and Ryan didn't look at each other but we we're both worried she found out somehow. "And I know you think you're fooling me, but I do not want a birthday gift this year okay? Every year you guys fight about the gift and it always ruins my birthday dinner."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked in return. "What about the time when you we're five and he was  six and you guys couldn't agree on something so you shoved my cake in each other's faces?"

"You guys did that?" I laughed.

"I was five okay." He said in defense. 

"Or what about last year when someone didn't put the photo in the photo locket and you guys got into a wrestling match and our deserts got set on fire by a blow torch?" She asked. I held back a laugh while Ryan just remained silent next to me. "Did I forget to mention these were both in public restaurants?"

"I really hope you tell these stories when Georgia's around." Ryan says while I laughed to myself.

"So I already told your brother, now I'm telling you." She explains. "No gifts."

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