Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV) 

The now five of us, were back up in the Control Center following Veracity's directions to where Traeger hopefully was. 

"Alright we're coming up on Traeger's last known location. This is where we tracked all that ooze that Traeger summoned." Ryan says as a tall white structure came into view. "Get ready." 

"We're too late! He's gone." Harris adds looking on his computer. 

"Harris, we're gonna find him, he's gonna make a move and when he does,"

"He just made a move." Veracity interrupts from the balcony. "Egypt just got infected with the bloom."

"But Florida just got bloomed to." Harris says looking at his own monitor. 

"How can he hit two places so far apart at the same time?" Ryan asks. 

"Hey Traeger just infected Buenos Aires!" Mark yells. "Now its three places."

"Africa, America, South America?" Veracity questions. 

"You know what this means?" Spyders asks. "He hates all continents that start with the letter "A." We better get to Australia."

"Its not making sense how did he bloom three separate continents that quickly." Veracity says, I could see the wheels turning in her head when I looked back out the visor of the robot, back at the white structure, which I know realize, is a rocket launch station. 

"Hey Veracity?" I said. "Quick question, what's that white thing look like to you?" That when I saw the lightbulb go off in her head.

"Oh my god thats it! Space they're coming from space!" She realized. 

"Then thats where we have to go, into space."


"Guys hes go control of like half the planet now." Mark says while we trying to figure out what to do. 

"The robot doesn't have a space mode does it?" Veracity asks. 

"Ha no!" Spyder responds. "Because if it did, I would have been to space, and the moon. Mooning something. Literally mooning something on the moon."

"Well maybe it could?" Ryan suggests from his spot. "The robot it air tight, And it does have its own oxygen supply."

"Like when we're in sub mode." Harris adds. 

"Right! And with my super charge, we can use the jets to rocket us into orbit. Guys we could do this." 

"Well, I for one would love to check 'going to space' of my bucket list." I said clicking the seatbelt in my chair. "I say lets do it."

"Is that actually on your bucket list?" Harris asks me. 

"Well my bucket list it like two miles long, so its bound to be on their somewhere. I still say we should do it." I answered. 

"Not to mention I'd be pretty excited to give Harper a zero-g smackdown." Mark adds.

"And turn Traeger into a puddle of red goo." Harris says. 

"Okay, so are we doing this?" Ryan asks all of us. "Strap in."

Wait I don't have anything to strap," Mark starts to say when Veracity's new chair flipped out from behind a monitor. "She got a chair!? Spyder got a chair, Harris got a chair, Dakota got a chair, Veracity got a chair. Mark? Nothing!"

"No one cares Mark shut up! We're going to space!" I yelled at mark, over Ryan giving the mech-xectute call and taking off from the ground. 

"Reaching escape velocity!" We heard veracity scream from her chair just before the rumbling of the robot stopped, we all opened our eyes to see us hovering over earth. After a few seconds of shock, and all of us looking around at each other, wondering what just happened, I said while unbuckleing my seatbelt, 

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