Versus the Dark Night - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

"I can still see it! Over that ridge!" Ryan called out as we pedaled up and over a hill.

"We're doing this low tech?" Harris asked.

"Think of it as old school." Ryan shrugs his shoulders.

"Ha! We destroyed our old school." Spyder laughed. "This is going to be awesome, we're going to catch Grey, and hey, Ptero-squito!"

"Nice." Mark chuckled.

"And that's why he names the monsters." Ryan adds.

"Yeah, that definitely tops mosquito-dactayl." I laughed while Mark scoffs at me.

After pedaling through the dark forest and over a hill or two, we found a giant building in the middle of the woods that the monster had perched itself on top of. After busting through a back door, as quietly as possible, we found a room in the middle of the building that Grey was working in. The room was filled with giant pieces of tech and it honestly just made her look like a mad-scientist trying it bring Frankenstein to life. In the middle of the room was a bed, almost like a clear coffin with no top, and it looked like a body was laying inside of it, submerged in what looked like red ooze. We hid behind some crates and boxes as she smacked the red button a machine and the monster on the outside of the building must of started feeding energy into whatever machines connected to the coffin of red ooze.

"Is that thing made of ooze?" Mark whispered to his brother.

"Whatever it is, it's not good and we have to stop her." Ryan said back. "We have to take that things out before it's fully charged. Grey!" He called out when he stepped out from behind our box shields, the four of us following. "What ever you're doing it stops now."

"You're too late!" She screamed before running out a back door.

"She's running!" Mark points out the obvious.

"Should we run?" Spyder wondered out loud. There was no time to think before what ever was in that bed exploded sending all five off us flying back through the air to the ground. We all looked up, horrified at a human shaped, bright red figure standing on top of the bed, veins on the outside, looking like it's blood was lava.

"Is this... form correct." The thing said. "Have I taken a proper form so you will recognize me, as your ruler?"

"I don't like the way that things talking." Ryan said while none of us had taken our eyes off it.

"You and me both." I said under my breath.

"Ryan!" Harris said looking at his mech-link. "This guys power ratings are off the chart."

"You will address me by my name! Human." The things snapped. 

"Oh damn." I said still in shock.

"Traegar." It said. "You will address me, as Traegar."

"The robots ready!" Mark says after receiving a text from Leo.

"Let's not take any chances." Ryan says getting up, helping me up on his way. "Come on."

"Yeah son!" Harris cheered as the robot stomped on us when we got outside.

"Let's squash this thing back into the ooze it came from." Ryan says stepping to the control pad after we left the elevator. Traegar stepped out of the building, and we watched as it formed a coat out of thin air over his pants he was already wearing.

"Can we get on with that, please. This thing is turning into more nightmare fuel by the second." I said while Leo came into the room.

"What is that?" He asked.

"When Ryans done crushing it, gum on our boot." Spyder smirks. Ryan lifted his foot to stomp on Traegar but stoped only a few feet from the ground, because Traegar was able to stop his foot.

"How is it stoping us!" 

"Is that possible!"

"Cmon man stomp it!" Mark says to his brother.

"I'm trying! I can't move my leg!" He says in return. "I need more power."

"I'm all out of potato's." Leo says with the potato generator. Traegar punched the robot with his bare hands, sending the 150 foot tall metal robot flying backwards to its back. Mark and Leo tumbled to the back wall, not really having a choice, since, well gravity. followed by Harris and Spyder who hadn't strapped into their chair. I hadn't either but when the force of gravity flipped me backwards out of my chair, I was able to hold on to the back of it so I was basically dangling in mid air. When Ryan fell of the control pad, he made a grab for the back of my chair, and I grabbed his other arm, helping him not fall back with the rest of them. We both climbed up on the back of my chair as Traegar landed on the glass  face shield of the robots face, just staring down at us before jumping off, disappearing from sight.

"We gotta get back in this fight." Mark said from below the two of us. Ryan made the robot begin to stand up, the two of us jumping of the chair back to the floor, just as we began to get up right.

"It's gone." Harris said.

"Oh good." Spyder sighed in relief. "Man that guy was way out of our league." We all looked back confused at him. "He threw us like a chew toy. Guys come on."

"I don't understand." Mark says. "Why not just waste us now."

"Because what ever it's planning, it's a lot bigger than just beating up Mech-X4." Harris said in response.

"What was that?" Leo wondered.

"He said his name was Traegar. And I have not idea how to stop him."


After we got the robot and went home, the power still wasn't on and the the sky was really clear so Ryan and I laid side by side on my roof.

"I'm exhausted." He said.

"You and me both." I responded.

"I want a break! You know what I mean?" He asked. "Every time we think it's finally over, there's something else we gotta deal with."

"I hear you."

"Is it bad, that sometimes wish I had a different life?" He asked.

"Like, maybe you weren't born a technopath?" I laughed. "You stayed with your birth parents, instead of going to your mom and dad? You know if you weren't born a technopath, you probably would have never even met me. Wouldn't that be something."

"That it would." He smiled back. "You're one of the only good things that's come out of this crazy life."

"What's else is good?" I ask.

"Well, before the robot, my brother and I couldn't stand each other." He says. 

"I can see why." 

"Okay, I know he's annoying, to you especially." He laughs. "But before the robot, we couldn't get alone, agree on anything, we pretty much hated each other. I just wish is wasn't saving the world that brought us together. That's about it though, just you and my brother, what about you?"

"Yeah, actually." I nod. "You, Spyder, Harris, that annoying guy that you call your brother, you all are pretty great."

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