Versus the Monster Within - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

Even though the boys had recently had a near death experience with a bomb in the X-deck, we still found time to be idiot teenagers. This time we we're playing laser tag with our Mech-links. I sat up in the work lab above the hallway that lead to the x-deck knowing for sure that Spyder and Ryan were in the X-deck. I know for a fact because I heard "Walker," Being whispered in what is referred to as Spyder's scary voice. Spyder eventually jumped out from his hiding spot and they began shooting at each other.

"Why do I always get out first?" Spyder groaned after Ryan hit his mech-link.

"Because you always use that stupid scary voice!" Ryan says. "It gives away where you're hiding!"

"Dude don't mock my scary voice." Spyder responds.

"If you really want to scare people, use your 'talk to girls voice' thats freaky." Ryan says before Mark shot at him from around the corner. 

"First rule of mech-laser tag, never let your guard down!" He yelled. Once his back was to me, I snuck down from the lab and tapped on one shoulder and ducked the other direction and intently shot a laser that passed right by his face, just long enough to to distract him enough for Ryan to shot his mech-link. 

"Ah-ha ha yes!" I cheered getting up from the ground. Mark rolled his eyes and said,

"I'm surprised you're not moonwalking, oh there it is."

"Okay, smooth." I laughed passing by Mark. "You losers just got double teamed hows that feel?" 

"Hey you two can't work together!" Spyder complained. 

"Sure we can." Ryan responds standing next to me with a arm on my shoulder.

"What if it comes down to the two of you huh?" Mark asks.

"Simple." I answered. "Every shooter for themselves and I'm going to beat you."

"No you're not." Ryan says confidently.

"Yes I am."

"How do you know?" He asks.

"Because I just did." I answered. He didn't know what I meant until he noticed the arm on the back of my shoulder was the arm with his mech-link on it, that I was able to hit when he couldn't see. Mark and Spyder found this hilarious while he was shocked. I ran a few paces away standing on the table in X-deck.

"I just fell for that?" He wondered out line.

"That you did! Hook, line, and sinker! Ha!" I cheered from the table.

"Oh just you wait, I will get you back." He says glaring at me.

"Sup Y chromosomes!" Veracity yells running from the elevator. We we're both trying to hit each other when Harris came running from a different hallway and hit us both at the same time, because he was wearing two mech-links.

"Dang son! I am the Major of Laser, The Master of Blasters, El Ray de Los Rays." Harris celebrates "As in, Ray beams.  

"Hey, you can't have to mech-links." Spyder says pointing to his wrist.

"Theres no rule that says that." Harris defends. "Don't hate the player, hate the fact that you guys just lost."

"Not cool cheater Dinklage," Veracity says while I stepped of the table next to her. "Excellent use of loop holes though. 

"No, don't compliment him, He's evil! Totally evil!" Ryan says while we all followed him out of the X-deck, everyone except Harris. 


Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now