Cannibal Bankers

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It's a foggy afternoon in New York. Ella Minksy, a detective is still at her desk finishing up paperwork when she gets a call. Marco, an older detective working alongside Ella Minksy, a creative, and mysterious detective who shows little to no emotion.

" It's Marco. We got a possible lead. Kurt Donovin, and Eva Shultz. Meet me at the investment banking firm on Wall Street."

"I'm on my way." Ella says seriously as she grabs her coat and badge off her desk.

Ella heads over to the firm to arrest the two suspects. When she arrives, Marco walks beside her and they both head up to the third floor. In the elevator Marco catches Ella up on the two suspects.

"Kurt Donovin and Ella Shultz both work under investment bankers Blake Bloom and Claire Fitzgerald. We get through to them, we get Blake and Claire."

"What's the backstory of the two investment bankers?" Ella asks.

"Blake has a reputation for being one of the biggest investment bankers in New York, Claire is just the co-worker that works beside Blake. Anyways we got an anonymous tip and some files on Blake and her obsession with cannibalism."

*Ella interrupts Marco before he is able to finish.*

"So if we have the files on Blake why do we need the two rats on the third floor?"

"We need them to help us shut this cannibal business down. If they can give us intel on their two higher superiors then it's endgame." *Marco smirks.

Both detectives finally reach the top floor and head to the area of work in which Kurt and Eva work. Before they reach the two suspects Claire comes out of nowhere.

"Can I help you two with something?" *she says as she flutters her eyes*

"Step aside please, we just need to take a few of your employees down to the station for a little chat."

*Marco interrupts*

"Do you mind me asking what for?" asks Claire.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." *Ella whispers* "Now step aside." *she pushes Claire to the side. Ella confronts Eva, while Marco confronts Kurt. Together they read each of them their Miranda rights.

"You have the right to remain silent; Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law;
You have the right to an attorney and have him present during the interrogation; If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you free of charge; You can waive your right to be silent before or during an interrogation, and if you do so, the interrogation must be halted;
You can invoke your right to have an attorney present, and until he is present, the interrogation must be halted."

The detectives put the suspects in two different interrogation rooms.

"Kurt, can you tell me what you know about Blake and Claire?" *asks Marco.*

"I'm just an employee, I don't know anything."
*Marco starts yelling* "COME ON KURT!! I know you know something, so just tell us."

On the other side of the wall was Eva. Kurt's voices were fading through the wall.

"What's going on? What are you doing to Kurt?" yells Eva.

*Ella slides an opened folder across the table, that showed body parts*

"Ew omg are those real. I think I'm going to vomit."
*Ella slaps her hand on the table* "Tell us what you know or you will be facing a lot of time."

"Okay okay, if I tell you, you have to promise that you'll help me and Kurt." she pleads.

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