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Sevika had walked into the room moments later with a McDonalds bag in her hands.

Ember's eyes widened. "Please tell me that is for me."

Sevika chuckled. "Ding ding ding. Catch." Sevika threw the bag in which Ember luckily caught.

Ember immediately dived in. She practically vacuumed the large fries and Big Mac in one go.

"Someone was hungry." Sevika commented as she watched the girl.

"Well I didn't exactly have a lunch break, nor was I prepared to do this today." Ember wiped the sauce off her mouth with a napkin.

Sevika hummed. "Well, you could finish it tomorrow if this was a bit too much."

Ember stared at the tattoo and then at clock. It was 7pm already. Ember looked back at the tattoo. There were only a few more details left and then she would be done by 8 at the earliest and possibly the latest, depending on how determined she was.

"I think I can do it now, but you need to take me home." Ember spoke up.

Sevika zoned out as she thought about it. She did like the thought of knowing where her apprentice lived. "Okay, that's fine by me."

Ember nodded with a smile. "Alright, let me reapply my lipgloss and then I guess we can get back to work."

Sevika nodded slightly with an eyebrow raised. She stared at Ember as she lathered her gloss on her lips, rubbing it together until her lips popped to see how luscious and plump they were. Sevika was in a trance for a moment, but she quickly snapped out of it, narrowing her eyes at the girl as if Ember was the blame for making her lustful towards her.

Ember stood up an stretched, cracking her neck and bending her wrist. You could hear her stiffness in her body unwinding as she tried to prepare herself to sit in an unhealthy position for another hour.

Sevika eyes trailed down the young girls body before she fully positioned herself on the reclined chair. She removed her cigar out of her mouth to blow out a trail of smoke that temporarily created a wave of fog around them.

Ember watched her do so. It was attractive. Of course it was attractive to her, but Ember knew better. She could sense Sevika messed in a crowd that Ember refused to be around nor a part of it.

Ember put back on her gloves and sat back down on her stool to finish. She grabbed Sevika's forearm to see if there were any interference with her work when Sevika was gone, but she seemed to keep it out of the way.

It made Ember's eyes trail to her metal arm. It was intricate. It gave Ember many possible tattoo designs that formed in her brain. She must've gazed at it for a while because Sevika finally spoke up.

"You have a thing for metal or something?"

Ember's eyes widened. "No.. it's just.. it was beautifully made." Ember looked down, but looked back up to stare at it. "Can I touch it?"

Sevika chuckled. "You're not the first one to ask, and certainly will not be the last." She brought her mechanical arm up to Ember.

Ember made eye contact with her before she actually touched it. Her fingers lightly trailed it. Feeling the grooves and nails that were set in place to keep it functioning. Ember closed her eyes without thinking as she continued to feel it.

Sevika watched Ember. Quickly aroused by the situation she was in. She couldn't help but feel that Ember was hypnotizing her.

Ember finally opened her eyes realizing how deep she got into it and quickly removed her hands. She was embarrassed because she felt she made herself vulnerable to a lady that she just wanted nothing to do with. "Sorry about that." Ember shyly laughed.

"Sorry about what exactly?" Sevika asked.

Ember sighed. "I don't know to be honest. I just be apologizing a lot."

Sevika hummed.

Ember took that as her cue to actually start. Ember grabbed her machine and tested to see if it was working before she applied it onto Sevika's skin. She started filling in the highlights on the teeth. Wiping away as she went.

"Tomorrow, I was thinking you watch me do my work for clients, but I want you to sketch out their designs. Sound good?" Sevika blew out another fog of smoke before she looked at you.

"You're the boss." Was all that Ember applied, looking up at Sevika with a small smile.

Sevika was content with that title. "Damn straight."

Ember laughed causing Sevika to smile without control.

It was a comfortable silence. A few minutes had passed and Ember heard a loud sigh. She wiped the place she had previously inked and looked up at Sevika.

Sevika looked tired and somewhat overwhelmed.

"You okay?" Ember asked.

Sevika looked over to her. "Just tired kid."

"We can stop if you'd like?" Ember suggested feeling bad for choosing to finish it all in one day, and to be honest, she was quite exhausted herself.

"No, it'll be better this way. A lot is already happening tomorrow."

Ember still felt pity towards the woman, but she sent her a gentle smile. "Well, I'll try my best to finish so you can get some rest."

Sevika hummed. "Pass me that whiskey over there."

Ember did as she we was told and gave the full bottle to Sevika. She willing-fully took it and opened it, chugging it down as fast as she could as if it were a competitive sport.

Ember's eyes were wide from the scene. "Damn."

Sevika looked at Ember with an eyebrow raised. Alcohol dripping down her chin and all. Somehow, Ember still felt it was attractive.

Ember sat back down and continued to tat her boss who continued to chug her drink. Sevika belched loudly, staring at Ember quickly in embarrassment.

"No judgement here, boss." Ember smiled her sweet smile, but also was somewhat concerned with the quick change in behavior.

Ember stopped once more and threw away the empty bottle and then gave Sevika a paper towel to wipe her face, in which Ember threw that away too.

Ember proceeded with her mission to get this tattoo finish. She could feel her eyes getting heavy and could sense that Sevika was getting tired and.. maybe a little emotional.

Sevika watched the girl and smiled. "You know, you're going to have to deal with people way worse than me, but you're handling things pretty well."

Ember chuckled. "You're not that bad."

Sevika looked up and closed her eyes. "There is more than what meets the eye."

Ember stared up at Sevika. That saying was the reason she even considered this place.

Ember sighed herself. It had been an eventful day to day the least, but.. she had to admit.. despite the bad feeling she had in her stomach, she was excited for what was next.

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