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Ember never thought she would end up interning in Zaun territory, but here she was. The rigged Tattoo Parlor sign hanging above her and the awful smell confirmed it. She was here.

Her mom wasn't really supportive of the idea, but Ember knew what she wanted and she wasn't going to back down because of a location's reputation. She knew there was more than what met the eye.

Ember stared at her faint reflection on the dirty, clear door. Her outfit was casual, but outlined different elements. She wore a thick pair of black jeans that flared as it reached the ground, drooping over her doc martens that had seen better days. It was paired with a short sleeve shirt that was layered with a low-cut, striped bodice. She put on arm stockings and fishnet gloves to fit the look and to also provide some warmth. She completed the look with accessories, hoping that she would be deemed acceptable.

 She completed the look with accessories, hoping that she would be deemed acceptable

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She took a deep breath as she opened the door and entered the shady building. It was dark in the inside as if it was dark outside, but it was only 1pm. Scattered LED lights and purple, glowing vials that she assumed was used for aesthetic purposes were scattered around what she classified as the Reception Room.

There were tattoo sketches plastered randomly on the walls and 90s posters of either half naked women or of metal bands/horror movies. There were candles, lamps that had dull lightbulbs, and vintage wall sconces that Ember absolutely adored. The wooden floors were uneven, yet polished, and the walls, even with a few holes and tears, had a fitting wallpaper for the room. She admired the charm as she made her way to the front desk.

No one was there. Ember looked around to see people, that honestly frightened her, sitting in what she can only presume were the waiting chairs. She turned around, not wanting to make eye contact with the observing eyes that were paired with the beings.

Her eyes met with a pale-skinned girl centimeters away from her face. She jumped back in shock and baffled by the girls sudden pop up.

Ember being at a distance noticed how long the pale girl's hair was and that it was a vibrant blue color.

"Scared ya, didn't I?" The blue-haired girl held an amused smirk that seemed playful and dangerous at the same time.

Ember awkwardly chuckled. "Heh.. yeah. You sure did."

The girl cackled, holding her stomach as if Ember acknowledging the scare signaled her to finally laugh at her tricks.

Ember being weirded out, nervously laughed with the girl before her.

The girl abruptly stopped laughing with a stoic face. "My name is Jinx. How May I..." the familiar smirk returned. "... assist you?"

Ember could no longer keep eye contact with those blue orbs that stared through her. She sometimes felt like she could see a hint of red, but she knew that the lighting and the weird aura surrounding this place was making her mind wander.

"Oh... nice to meet you, Jinx. My name is Ember. I was accepted to be an apprentice here, and today is my first day." Ember tried her best to pair her words with a smile, but Jinx wasn't making it easy for her.

"Is that so? So you didn't come here to entertain me?"

Ember connected her eyes back to Jinx. "Um.. what?"

Ember could only think that this girl was insane, and she didn't like to think that about people, but this encounter was something she had never experienced.

"Cut it out Jinx."

Ember was shocked by the sudden voice. It was deeper, but feminine.. and sexy. She let her eyes find its way to the owner of that voice, to only meet a tan woman that she could stare at for hours.

Her full and muscular body that still managed to accentuate her curves was something that Ember knew she'd never be able to achieve. Her metal arm that added a wave of mystery that only attracted her more to the woman. Her scars that Ember could only assume held adventures and stories with them.

Ember took in her facial features, being able to notice her prominent nose, dark lips, slit brow, and those eyes. Those eyes made Ember's attraction heighten as if they weren't already.

She was embarrassed by how fast she was seduced by a woman that only spoke a few words and practically paid her no mind. The woman's attention was more focused on the now annoyed Jinx.

"What gives Sevika? I'm just trynna to help the girl out." There it was, that infamous playful smirk.

The woman that was addressed as Sevika rolled her eyes. "Just find something else to do that doesn't disturb our customers." Ember could tell that Sevika was trying her best to not blow up on Jinx.

"She's not a customer though. She's an apprentice. I call dibs!" Jinx excitedly grabbed Ember's hand making Ember's eyes widen.

Ember wasn't sure if she could handle Jinx training her. Mentally panicking at the idea, her eyes met with an alluring gaze coming from the broad woman. Sevika analyzed her just as how Ember had analyzed her, making Ember wonder if Sevika was checking her out as well.

Her eyes trailed slowly over Ember's body and then longingly stayed on Ember's face before speaking up. "Silco already assigned me to her." Sevika grabbed a tool out of a cubby and wiped it off thoroughly with her shirt.

"That's not fair." Jinx huffed, letting go of your hand.

"Not my problem. Apprentice, follow me." Sevika walked down a seemingly long hallway, not giving Ember the chance to answer back.

She looked at Jinx who stared back at her blankly as if she was thinking. Ember just smiled shyly before quickly catching up with Sevika.

Sevika led her into a room that seemed to be updated compared to the whole place. It still had that charm, but it was definitely more polished.

Sevika walked up to her equipment stand as Ember stood there awkwardly.

"So.. you wanna get into the tattoo gig?" Sevika spoke up.

"Oh.. uh, yeah. It's something I've wanted to do for a while to be honest."

"Hmm.." Sevika started to prep her forearm as if she were about to get a tattoo. "So you think you're ready?"

Ember confused with what's going on, answered as best as she could. "Well, I've been practicing for a few years and have done a couple tats, but I'm not like a professional or anything. That's why I'm here." Ember pushed up her bangles to scratch her arm from being nervous.

Sevika chuckled. Ember honestly felt like that chuckle was purposely made to sound like that to arouse her, but she ignored it.

Sevika placed the already prepped transfer paper on her forearm that was previously cleaned and peeled it off.

Ember gulped having a feeling that woman was indeed about to get a tattoo.. and that she might be the one doing it.

Feeling content with her placement, Sevika sat in the adjustable, black chair. Once she settled in, she looked up at Ember. "I've seen your portfolio and I know all about your experiences. I asked if you were ready. Oh.. and here's a hint.. there is only one right answer. Answer wisely."

Ember thought she would just die on the spot. Ember had only tatted 3 people and even though they came out decent, she struggled a lot. But she also knew if she declined, then she probably would be kicked out.

With her heart racing, and her will to keep going, she responded as confidentially as she could. "Yes.. I'm ready."

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