-> return to top gun pt. i

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I'm back.

Back at Top Gun.

It had been years since I had graduated from this place. I've been deployed a time or two, but never did I ever think I'd be back here so fast.

I smile at the sight of the old familiar bar, where me and my friends would come and drink every Saturday night, or any night we got the chance to.

I parked my red Fire Shelby Mustang GT500 from 1967, in the old parking lot,using my regular spot. I stepped out of my car, before admiring it, it had taken so long to fix up.

My heart was still thumping from the adrenaline of going over the speed limit. Not that I was speeding to get here or anything.

I open the door, and the little bell rings over me. The place has been fixed up a little, it looks nicer than it used to, I assume there's been a change in ownership since I've last drank here.

I stop at the bar, "Can I get a beer?" I ask the barmaid.

"You got ID?"

Ugh, I knew I should've worn my uniform like almost everybody else here, no one ever questions a man, or woman, in uniform.

I didn't have time to change after my long car trip.

Instead, I'm wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, and faded blue jeans, and black boots.

If I was in the states, I took every opportunity to drive my car. I'd rather drive than having someone else fly me and every other pilot around.

Maybe it was my ego, or maybe the fact that I graduated Top Gun top of my class. Maybe I just loved being in control. It was in my blood, after all.

I open my mouth to say something, like I'm not as young as I look when the barmaid laughs straight in my face.

It's not a condescending laugh, it's a gotcha! laugh.

"I'm just joking sweetheart. I'll grab you a beer and open a tab." She says with a warm smile. So much nicer than the old guy who used to run this place.

"Oh thank goodness." I breathed out, as she handed me a beer. "Thank you ma'am." I said, as we're both laughing at my situation and slight embarrassment.

I look around, and spot my best friend in the whole wide world.

"Phoenix baby!" I yell across the bar, and her head perks up before she takes a shot at pool. She takes her stick, and rests it underneath her chin, to see who called her name.

"Rachel Mitchell! Come here girl!!" She says, immediately putting down her pool stick.

We hug, and some of the guys gag.

I ignore them.

"Whatcha doing here?" I ask Phoenix, pushing back her shoulders out of our hug.

I was playing dumb; we were called for the same exact reason.

"Called back to Top Gun, for that new mission, same as you. How does it feel to be the best of the best, as usual?"

"Same as you." I repeat her words.

One of the guys decide to interrupt our reunion. "Well, well, well, Hurricane, what do we have here?"

"Hello Bagman." I say, holding my beer in one hand, and the other looking at my nails.

"It's Hangman." He tries to correct me.

"That's what I said." I shrug, and some of the other guys playing pool stop and laugh.

Hangman laughs and then decided it would be smart to say, "Too much estrogen in here."

"Well, somebody's gotta keep your guy's butts in line." I said, high fiving Nat at the same time, starting to glower at the cocky man.

"Come on Rachel, too good to cuss like the little girl you've always been?" He taunts.

"Yeah, too good for you." I say, taking a sip from my beer.

"Burn!" One of the guys from the other side of the table says behind his hand. Hangman gives them a side glare, before returning to his confident, radiant self. Heavy on the sarcasm.

"And you guys are?" I ask.

"I'm Payback, and this is Fanboy." The one who mocked Hangman speaks up, while introducing his wingman.

"And I'm Coyote." The third joins in.

"Nice to meet you boys." I say with a soft smile.

It was good to be back among the best of the best. Some were welcomed more than others if you know what I mean.

Phoenix wipes her mouth after ripping back her beer. "We're looking at the only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air to air craft." She says, pointing at Hangman.

"Oh stop," Hangman says with a all knowing smirk, practically begging us to praise him.

"But the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War." Fanboy says, clapping Payback on the back.

"Cold War." Hangman, or Jake corrects.

Payback explains, "Different war, same century."

"Not this one." Coyote adds.

I look to my right, just barely noticing the guy sitting down in the chair. He was quiet and observant, and I wouldn't pick him to run along in this crowd.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one.

"When did you get in?" Coyote asks the clueless looking pilot.

The blonde with glasses nervously explained, as everyone's attention was now on him, "I've been here the entire time."

"He's a stealth pilot." Hangman jokes, which Phoenix then whispers in my ear 'Literally.'

We both start laughing and all the men look clueless at our shared secret.

"I'm actually a weapons system officer." He corrects.

"With no sense of humor." Hangman mutters under his breathe. As if his jokes were ever funny.

"You're the new one? Flying with Phoenix?" Payback interrogated him.

He nods at the new piece of information to the group.

"What's your name?" I ask him, realizing we've gone through this entire conversation without it.


"No, your call sign?" I snort.

"Bob." He just replies.

"Anyhow, nice to meet y'all. Who's winning?" I ask, nodding to the pool table.

"Phoenix, but not for long." Payback says, lining up the white ball with one of his own.

"Good luck, you'll need it." I say, as Nat's whooped my butt plenty of times here in pool.

I walk out of Phoenix's way, and over to Fanboy and Coyote to talk. Better yet, away from Hangman.

The door to the bar opens, and the small chime of the bell rings through the air. I don't pay any mind to it, I'm busy talking to Coyote and Fanboy.

Until all I hear are people calling out Rooster! It sounds so familiar, but I can't put a face to the name. They have to be from a different Top Gun class than me and Phoenix.

I feel a pair of eyes burning into my back, so I turn around and I almost drop my drink.

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