-> bonus chapter (2/2)

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3rd POV

After calling the nurses back in to fill out both birth certificates, Bradley asked, "When are you being discharged?"

"Tomorrow morning." Rachel answers absentmindedly, memorizing the faces of her babies.

Knock, knock, knock.

Bradley called, "Come in!"

He's promptly wacked by his wife, not wanting to deal with two awake screaming babies.

Maverick steps in. Penny probably left to close up the Hard Deck, and Hangman would come tomorrow with Bob, Phoenix, and the others.

"Visiting hours are over." Rachel dead panned.

"When have I ever listened to the rules?" Maverick said with a large grin on his face.

"And how many times have you gotten in trouble because of it?" She quipped back.

"You are not holding back today, honey." Bradley said, before she would run her mouth even more.

"It's fine. I just came to check up on you guys. Phoenix sent me pictures of Isabella's drawings, and I thought you guys would want to see them."

Maverick pulls out his phone, and presses on the cute, crayon drawings that little Izzy has done.

They're all drawings of their family, Rachel and Bradley, Theo, Isabella herself, and her new baby sister and brother.

It's absolutely adorable.

"I want to check up on them." Rachel says, reaching for the phone.

Bradley, moved it out of her way, relaying, "I already did, and Bob said they're fast asleep. You'll see them first thing tomorrow, okay Rach?"

"Okay, fine." She said. "Dad... do you want to hold him?" Hurricane asked, trying to read her fathers expressions.

Maverick held out his arms to Rachel, and she handed over their son, "Hi, I'm your Grandpa Mitchell. Welcome to the family."

Rachel's eyes watered. "Bradley's holding Carole."

"After your mom?" He asked Bradley, and he nods back to his father-in-law. "Who's this?" Maverick asked rocking back and forth, holding the baby.

Tears start falling down Rachel's face. "That's Charles. We thought we'd call him Charlie, after mom."

"She'd love that." Maverick said, also getting emotional.

Rachel wiped away her tears, and Bradley stood so he could hold Carole in one arm, and hold his wife's hand in the other.


Rachel was elated to finally leave the hospital.

She hated being there, it always reminded her of her mother dying.

Charlotte Blackwood died when she was a young girl, but Rachel still had bits and glimpses of her in her memories.

But the one she remembered the most was the most recent of them all, when she visited her mother for the last time in the hospital.

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