-> bonus chapter (1/2)

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3rd POV

Bradley's phone began ringing, and saw -Hurricane <3- was flashing across his screen.

Bradley immediately picked it up, wondering why she was calling so soon after they had talked during his lunch break.

He felt so bad at he had to work, and leave her alone with their toddlers, Isabella and Theodore.

Rcahel was nearing the predicted delivery date for their third Bradshaw baby, and her morning sickness was still horrible.

"Bradley," Rachel groaned into the phone.

Bradley dropped his pen in the middle of his paperwork, focused on the painful sounds the love of his life was making. "Rachel, are you okay?" He begins to panic.

"My water broke," she took a deep breath, "Bob is watching the kids and Phoenix is taking me to the hospital right now."

She was taking deep breaths, in the middle of a contraction as Natasha drove a car like an F-18.

"Now? The babies are coming now?" Bradley's eyes widened, and he repeated Hurricane's words in a slight state of disbelief.

"Yes! Oh-my-gosh-it-hurts-so-bad!" She yelled. "Get your butt over here! I'm not doing this alone!"

"I'm on my way, I'll tell your Dad to meet us there." Bradley forgot about the mountain of paperwork and reports he had to fill out for his navy squadron.

"Bye, I love you." She said in one breath.

"I love you more." Bradley said, and hung up the phone.

It was time. He was going to be a father all over again.

For Theo and Scarlett, they had found out the gender of their babies months before they arrived. But for their third and fourth children, they decided to keep it a surprise, happy to have healthy babies.

Yes, and they were having twins which made it that much more exciting and stressful.

Shaking his head out of its stupor, Bradley grabbed his car keys and his jacket, storming out of his office.

"Where are you going?" His directing officer asked him.

Bradley brushed by him, "Sir, my wife is in the hospital having our baby!" He yelled over his shoulder.

"Run faster!" Admiral Bates yelled after him.


6:07 PM
7 pounds, 9 ounces
22 inches

6:11 PM
7 pounds, 7 ounces
21 inches

The Bradshaw's had welcomed a pair of twins to their family.

Rachel was resting in the hospital bed, tired after yet another delivery.

Bradley was in the chair next to the bed, watching and brushing back Rachel's hair in her sleep.

Their babies, a boy and a girl to their delight, were getting taken care of my doctors, so they had a moment alone before the storm.

Bradley never thought he could love Rachel anymore than he already did, but every time he looked at her, he was proven wrong.

Rachel stirred in her sleep, and looked at Bradley. They shared a sweet but chaste kiss, which Rachel interrupted to ask, "Honey. Where are our babies?"

"The doctors are taking care of them, they'll be back soon." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "How you feelin'?"

"Tired. Where's everybody?" She wondered, trying to sit up, but feeling uncomfortable, she laid back down. Rachel was too good for him, Bradley thought, she always making sure everyone else was taken care of and okay before herself.

"Mav, Penny, and Hangman were waiting downstairs last time I checked. It's getting pretty late, so Payback and Fanboy already left. Phoenix and Bob are watching Theo and Isabella at the house."

"When are they ever going to get together?" Rachel says unfiltered, drugs still pumping through her veins.

Bradley laughed, "I don't know, but there's still hope. Bob just needs get some balls and ask her out."

"Natasha should just ask him at this point. She likes him, he likes her, it's frustrating to watch them pine after each other, year after year."

"Yeah, but they're copilots. They probably don't want to start something because it'll be awkward in the cockpit if they break up."

Rachel turns to look at him in the eye, "Bradley, I don't think they'd ever break up."

"What about us?" Bradley picks her brain.

Rachel paused, and teasingly pretended to think long and hard about it. "I don't know. I think we'll last."

"You think we'll last?" Bradley gasps, placing a hand over his heart. "I know we'll last, honey."

She kissed him on the cheek, "Good. There's no one else I want but you."

The door opened, ruining their private moment, but brought two little bundles of joy to their lives.

The nurses wheeled in their twins, asleep in their see through cradles, all wrapped up in blankets.

"You can take them out and hold them." The nurses whispered, and exited their hospital room.

Bradley grabbed their baby boy, wrapped in blue, and Rachel opened up her arms to hold him.

Being concerned, Bradley asked, "Are you sure—"

"Of course I'm sure. Hand him over, Bradshaw." Rachel commanded.

Bradley didn't deny her request, and carefully laid their baby across Rachel's chest, and watched as she held their son carefully.

Bradley grabbed their baby girl, supporting her head, and watching as their babies peacefully slept.

"What are we naming them? I told the doctors we needed more time." Bradley explained.

They had talked about baby names, but none had really stuck. Besides, they chose not to reveal their genders as they did with Theo and Isabella, because they wanted it to be a surprise.

"We should name our daughter after Carole. After your mom." Rachel said. "Are you okay with that?"

Bradley felt touched, they hadn't thought about using more family names. He said, "Of course I am. My mom would've loved it. Or we could name her after your mom."

"Why don't we name them both after our mothers? Why don't we name our son after Charlotte?"

"I think if we named our son Charlotte, he'd be bullied for the rest of his life. He would resent us forever." Rooster joked.

"Not that Bradley!" She whisper yelled. "What about Charles? Charlie."

"It's perfect." He smiled, then put his finger in his daughters hands and watched as she circled her tiny fist around it. Rachel watched her husband, and her heart melted.

She was grateful for the sacrifices he made for their family, and was sure she had loved him since they moment they met.

Cradling her son in her arms, Rachel said, "Then we've got it. Charles and Carole Bradshaw."

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