Chapter 7: The Wait is Over

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She woke up and yawned before looking over to her alarm clock. The time reading 7:18. Alicia thought back to Friday, she smiled as she the memory came back to her.
Dean took Alicia to school Monday morning and before she got out of his car, he kissed her forehead and said "Have a great day!"Alicia smiled, closed the door, and watched the black Jeep roll off.
She walked into the Band room where everyone was warming up. As soon as she stepped into the room, she saw Joseph and Oliver, but didn't get the chance to talk with the boys.
After rehearsal Oliver found his way over to Alicia, put his arm around her waist pulling her closer, and kissed her forehead. They walked to their lockers together before departing for first hour. Oliver had English and Alicia had Zoology. Alicia started by saying "Oliver, thank you."
"No need to thank me." he replied with a smirk she had never seen before.
They grabbed their books and went to class. That was the last time they saw each other all day. And all week they only saw each other before first hour. It was the last day of the year and Oliver hadn't asked Alicia out again. So Alicia waited and waited until summer came. In summer something spectacular happened.

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