Almost Forgotten

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In the months Alicia had spent with Oliver, she had never been happier. She hadn't talked to Austin since school ended. He was forgotten about. Well almost forgotten about.

Alicia was spending the day at the community pool waiting for Oliver and Emma, a friend from summer camp, when Austin walked in. In fact, he was heading in her direction.

"Hey" Austin said.
Being as polite as she could Alicia replied with a simple hello. Trying to ignore him.
"Why do you have to be like that Alicia? I miss you, baby. Let's go out tonight."
She chuckled at his pleading. " You haven't missed me the past 7 months!" The angered Alicia stood up as she said this.
"I have babe, just give me another chance. What time should I pick you up tonight?" He gave her a sly grin.
"I'm going out with Oliver and we have plans." Determination radiated from her.
Out of the corner of her eye she say Oliver and Emma walk in.
" I have to go now." She said bending over to pick up her towel and bag.
As she stood back up Austin pulled her closer by her waist and kissed her as passionately as he could.
She shoved him away and started looking for Emma.

Emma and Oliver were found waiting in his pick up truck.
"What's wrong?" She directed at Oliver.
"Oh just the fact I saw you kissing him" Oliver pointed towards Austin.
"Babe, he's nothing. I missed you.." She placed a kiss on his lips. An I love you was whispered in his ear. He perked up at this.

The trio drove home listening to a brand new CD Emma had recently purchased.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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