Note from the author~

901 26 15

Hello there !

I'm a new writer, it's my first fanfiction ever ! I'm kinda nervous to say the least.

I just wanted to clarify a few things before starting the story.

Firstly, thank you if you decided to read this story ! It means a lot to me <3

Secondly, I'm French, so some sentences might be a little weird, and I'm really sorry for this. If you see a mistake of any kind, just tell me !

Thirdly, I selectionned "mature" for this story because there might be some triggering things -even though it's pretty soft- such as eating disorders and kind of +18 content (but no +21 I'm too young and innocent I don't really feel comfortable writing scenes like this). I'll write "TW" when it might trigger some readers.

And lastly, even though I'm not sure this story will hit 100 views, I don't want to see any hate in the comments. I won't answer, I'll just ban the user.

I wrote this story just to have fun, so it might be totally cringe or not original at all. I simply wanted to create a story about my bias <3

I think I'm going to update once a week, since holidays are coming. But my exams are still there before sadly, so it might change a little.

Enough talking, enjoy the story !

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now