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Faith decided to follow Minho once again. She trusts him more and more, to an extend where she surrenders to her feelings. 

I slowly wake up, feeling heavily tired. But as my body awakens, I suddenly become aware of the fingers drawing circles on my back. An oversized shirt barely hides my body. I open my eyes immediately and stop breathing when I see Minho's face inches away from mine. He looks amazing with his bright smile.

 - Morning beautiful, he says with a deep voice.

I start blushing. Seeing him right in front of me while remembering last night highly flusters me. Minho doesn't stop drawing figures on my back.

 - Morning, I almost whisper from shyness. 

 - You're flustered even after last night. Amazing, he says with a smirk.

I advert his gaze. He is really intimidating.Minho kisses my nose and giggles lightly. 

 - Did you like it ? He breathes on my lips. 

My cheeks redden even more. It felt strange at the beginning, but I really enjoyed it afterwards, that's what I'm too shy to say.

- I... I loved it.

Minho grins widely and lightly kisses my lips. I finally look at his eyes. They are shining brightly, as always. His messy hair makes him look angelic. I suddenly gasp. My mother must be furious. 

 - What's the matter ? Minho asks before stopping drawing on my back. 

 - My mom... she's going to kill me, I say worriedly.

Suddenly, Minho hovers me. Thankfully, he is wearing joggers. He stares deeply at my eyes.

- I don't want you to think about your mother. Only think about me. 

He fully kisses me without warning. My mind totally forgets my mom. I kiss him back, my hands travelling from his torso to his broad shoulders. I will never get tired of this. To be honest, I wonder how I held back for this long.
Minho bites my bottom lip while I softly moan. His hand slowly sneaks under my shirt - his shirt. 

 - Stop right there ! I laugh and push his arm. 

 - It's a shame. I was up for a round two, he whispers in my neck before lightly brushing his lips on my skin.

I blush heavily while he softly laughs against my neck.

- I like your smell beautiful, he breathes lowly.

My heart beat increases. Why does he fluster me this much. 

Minho draws back and smirks when he sees my face.

- You're so easily embarrassed, I love it.

- Stop making fun of me, I protest.

- Never, he winks at me before getting up.
Minho shakes his hair in a way that makes me stare at him in awe. How can something this perfect exist. 

 - You okay ? He smirks and raises an eyebrow. 

I quickly nod and try to get up. Suddenly, a violent pain makes me fall on my knees. My legs feel numb and my lower abdomen is burning. Minho haven't been quite gentle.

- My bad, I get too wild when I'm having fun, he playfully says before lifting me up.

- I noticed it, thank you, I wince with a blush. 

- Stop complaining, at least you have a loyal and faithful servant, he laughs and sits me on his bed. I'm going to give you a shirt, you'll just wear your shorts. 

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now