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The lightly pink clouds in the pale blue morning sky announces a bright day. However, there's no birds singing yet. Surprising. In America, they were always early. I look at my alarm clock. 6 AM 31. With a sigh, I get up and stretch. My heart is already picking up the pace.   A light knock startles me.

-Darling ! Are you awake ? Says a voice behind my door.
- Yes Mom, I reply with a sleepy tone.
- Your breakfast is done ! Come downstairs quickly !I sigh for the second time and pick up my outfit I prepared yesterday for nearly an hour. I want everything to be perfect. Struggling with my earrings, I try to determine if I need concealer. But my mother doesn't let me figure out what to do.
- Faith ! The food is cooling down ! Come on !
I inhale deeply to keep my calm. She is obsessed with me eating. In a way, I understand. Running downstairs, I put on a small cardigan.
- Finally ! Sighs my mother. Your food is on the table- wait, are you going to wear this ?
I frown slightly. What is she going to say again.
- Yes, why ?
- Your dress is kind of tight on your waist.
- Mom, it is an elastic. It stretches.
- Yeah, but still... she continues while adjusting it.
I roll my eyes.
- I'm not eleven anymore Mom, I protest.
She lifts her hands up to show her innocence.
- Alright, alright. Eat something while it's hot.
- I'm not really hungry, it's too early.
But since I know she's going to force me to eat, I still take a pancake. My mother can be quite stubborn, especially when it comes to food.
- Are you sure you don't want me to bring you to the university ?
- I already told you three times, I say with a smile.
She sighs and nods. She's so protective over me. It's overwhelming sometimes.
I quickly pick up my back bag and cross the living room still filled with boxes. My father is sitting on the couch with a newspaper. Well, some things never change.
- Hi Dad, I'm going. Have a good day, I greet him with a smile.
- Good luck, he simply says before sipping his coffee.
Short and simple, as expected.
- Be careful honey ! And don't come home late ! Shouts my mother from the kitchen.
- I'll be on time ! I say before opening the front door.

I immediately plug my earphones and put on my favorite song. How Deep Is Your Love by the Bee Gees. I grew up with this song. It was the time when my father didn't ignore me as he does today. No matter how many times I listen to it, it feels like it's the first time. I walk through the streets, checking my position on my phone every now and then. I never went to this university before. My heart is still pounding heavily. The neighborhood is pretty lively, and everyone greets me. It is so different from America. Gradually, I see more and more people. I'm getting to the center of the city. I cross highly frequented roads with hurried persons rushing to their work place. I wonder what I will look like in a few years. Will I become like those workers running to their job ? Being a computer scientist won't be easy, for sure.

I finally see the university. A wonderful old building with a huge clock indicating half past seven. It feels like it is going to engulf me any second, but I still love this architecture. I shakily put my earphones and phone in my bag. Why do I need to be this nervous. Will people like me ? Am I going to make friends ? I exhale deeply before entering the campus. I already see groups forming on the grass but mostly before the lists next to the huge wood front doors. I hardly see the indication of my auditorium, people surrounding the area. I quickly walk through the big hallways, ignoring everyone. Well, I promised myself to be extroverted today but it's a bit harder than I thought. I finally see my auditorium down the corridor. A brown-haired girl is waiting, leaning on the wall. She honestly looks like a nerd. Her outfit is perfectly done, along with her hair and make up. She doesn't seem weird or mean. Remembering what I promised myself to do, I decide to talk to her.
- Hum... Hey there, I say shyly.
Her face instantly lits up. She's really pretty.
- Hi ! You're waiting for this auditorium ?
- Yeah, I guess so, I answer with a smile.
- Nice ! We have the same class ! I'm Park Claire, how about you ? She says sweetly.
- Faith, Jeong Faith.
She extends her hand and shakes mine.
- I love your outfit ! Where did you get this dress ? It's gorgeous !
We talk for a few minutes, introducing each other. The door finally opens, and we get inside. Sitting on the middle row, we wait for the professor and the students. They are all laughing and talking. I can easily guess that they know each other from before this year.
- You're new here ? Claire asks while taking a pencil and some sheet paper. I've never seen you before.
- Yes, I was in America last year. It's been a while since I've been in Korea.
- How cool ! How is it like there ?

Just when I'm about to answer, the professor comes in. He asks for some silence and starts explaining a few things about our studies and schedules. It's boring to death, but I still take notes. We never know if I have trouble remembering some infos. After at least two hours of presentation, we get out of the auditorium.
- I'm so sad you don't have physics lessons, Claire says while we walk through the never-ending hallways. You will be on your own for two hours my dear.
- It's no big deal ! Good luck Claire !
- Let's eat together when I come back !

I nod and wave at her before going towards the library. I've heard it is the best one in the whole city. The more I walk, the less I meet people. I finally arrive in front of a glass door letting me see the big book cases inside. When I go inside, my eyes detail everything in the library. The columns, the balcon, the working places, the huge amount of books everywhere... It is indeed the most beautiful library I've ever seen. The ceiling is decorated by a huge fresco amazingly well-preserved. I walk towards an aisle in the pitch silence of the place. The Beauty of Emotions. I guess it is going to distract me for a while, given the huge number of pages. I sit by a window to get extra lightning. Everything is so peaceful. I start leafing through the pages. Emotions are what governs our being. I know it better than anyone. My emotions had always totally controlled my actions. It led me to what they call « eating disorders ». I recovered two years ago from bulimia, thankfully. Life is way too precious to be screwed up by some dark thoughts.

Time goes by slowly. I'm totally focused on my book, forgetting about the surroundings. I recognize myself so much in those pages. A little emotional ball.
After a while, my attention is drawn by a movement to my right. I discreetly lift my gaze. And freeze.

A guy is leaning on a bookshelf, reading through a small book. His dark purple hair falls lightly on his eyes, but he slides his hand through it to keep on reading. His big glowy eyes under his thick lashes are focused on the book's lines, as if he were about to plunge in it. He purses his plump lips every now and then, deeply concentrated. His all black and leather outfit makes him contrast with the whole room. He doesn't seem to belong here, that's what makes him even more noticeable. I've never seen a more beautiful human. He looks absolutely stunning. The lightening makes it even more obvious. I notice a few girls giggling silently while looking at him. He must be popular. No wonder. He is a total masterpiece. And he isn't even trying.

The bell rings suddenly, making me startle. I didn't realize I stared at him for so long. He closes his book and leaves, as if he has never been here. I stare at the place where he was, still impacted by him. Who is he ? Probably a student. I try to focus on getting up and putting back my book where he belongs. Then, it hits me. It's already noon. I need to join Claire. I quickly get out of the library, immediately surrounded by students getting out of their lessons while talking and screaming. That is when I notice my beating heart. How did he do this ?

Author's note : I hope this is a good start ! I'm too nervous right now God.

PS: The media tho he's gorgeous

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now