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- This dress looks awesome on you ! You look like a cute little girl, I love it !

 Claire turns me around, making the deep blue ruffles of my dress float around me. I giggle lightly.

- You're not bad yourself, yellow suits you well, I smile. 

- We were talking about you, she rolls her eyes with a pout. 

I laugh and brush my hair for the last time.

- Are you sure you don't want to do anything with your hair ? She asks.

- You have an idea, don't you ? I raise an eyebrow.

- Hell yeah.

She doesn't even wait for my answer. She immediately starts manipulating my hair. In a blink of an eye, my hair is tied in a half ponytail with a blue ribbon. 

- Claire ! I look even more childish ! I protest.

- So what ? It matches with your dress.

I sigh and surrender. I know nobody can change her mind when she has an idea.

- Let's go, it's getting late, she says while quickly opening the door.

I'm not really in the mood to party. My heart is still aching badly. But Claire basically forced me to come to this ball, wanting me to distract myself. I don't know if it will really distract myself, since Minho will be here for sure. 

We spent this week taking glances at each other. Well, he mostly did, since I tried to avoid him at all cost. I still don't know what to do. Everything is so complicated. Or maybe it's too simple ? I wish everything was easier. 

- You're spacing out again, Claire says while driving. 

I startle and apologies.

- I'm sorry Claire... It's just that... Well...

- You're thinking about him again, don't you ? She says knowingly.

I sigh heavily.

- Yeah... Kind of.

She remains silent for a while. Minho occupies my mind ever since I've met him. And it shadows everything else. 

- Look, Faith. I was certain Minho was a playboy only seeking one night stands. I mean, that's what he's been doing for one year. But... I'm not quite sure of anything now. 

I frown slightly.

- What do you mean ?

She laughs softly.

- You often see a playboy punching a guy to protect a girl ? She raises an eyebrow.

I remain silent for a while. 

She's not wrong. Minho almost broke Hyunjin's nose just because he was holding my wrist. 

 - I... I just don't know what to do... I say while clenching my fists on my dress.

- Chill, take it easy. If he waits for you, then he really cares about you. If he doesn't, then he's the biggest asshole I've ever met. 

I smile lightly. 

- Maybe you're right... 

- I'm always right, she says proudly.

When we enter the university, we already hear the music blasting. Students are walking hurriedly towards the ballroom, all dressed up nicely. 

- Ready ? Claire says in front of the door.

I nod lightly with a grin and she enters. The room is entirely decorated and enlightened. Students are dancing and laughing, having the best time of their lives. A group of students are playing a catchy music on a stage. I'm amazed at how everything has been settled. 

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now