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Faith went to Hyuna's party, and she finally met Lee Minho, the well-known playboy of the university. However, Claire warns her about him.

I enter the library, longing for some peacefulness. There's almost no one. Of course, it's 3 in the afternoon, everyone is taking lessons. My computer science teacher isn't there. I sigh, tired because of math class. Well, being in the same room as Minho didn't make it easier neither. I avoided him the whole day, not crossing his gaze once. I don't want to be his little thing he can throw when he used it. Or maybe I'm afraid of discovering what is this feeling that makes my heart flutter whenever he is around.

I go through an aisle to look for a book concerning keyboard shortcuts. It's really useful. I gain precious time thanks to it.
- Hey beautiful.
I hear a whisper, but no one is around.
- In front of you, the voice whispers again.

I see two big glowy eyes through the books. Lee Minho. He is in the second aisle. I advert his gaze and keep searching for my book. I have to avoid him.
- Are you avoiding me ? He asks and follow my every movement.
Well, yes, I am trying to.
 - I'm not letting you go until you answer.
I sigh and lift my gaze again.
- Can you leave me alone ? I ask in a low tone.
- Good try, but no, he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and pick up a book.
- You're cute when you're annoyed, he says bluntly.
- Don't speak this loud, it's a library, I whisper while looking around to see if anyone saw us.
- Chill, there's no one. You don't want to be seen with me ? He guesses.
I purse my lips and open my book.
- Well, I don't want to be bullied because I talked to you.
- You seriously give a damn about people's opinion ? I thought you were better than this.
- Then you thought wrong.
He still doesn't leave. I wish he could go and make it easier for me.
- Who told you ? He suddenly asks.
- Told me what ?
- That I am a playboy you shouldn't talk with.

I sigh again and leave the aisle, lacking strength to face him. Of course, he doesn't leave me alone. He follows me closely.
I sit to same spot as last time and he sits without asking in front of me.
- I'm going out with friends tomorrow. You want to hang out ?

Why does he keep talking to me even though I avoid him ?
- I'm afraid not, I reply while noting some useful keyboard shortcuts.
- Predictable. You're no fun.
- Then why do you keep talking to me ?
He smirks and puts his chin on his palm.
- I like annoying you.

I roll my eyes again and try to focus. But Minho still keeps speaking.
- Can you tell me your name ?
- Can you please leave me alone ? I whisper while lifting my gaze.

Big mistake. I'm stuck in his eyes. They are almost black in the darkness of the library. My heart speeds up.
- We don't answer a question by another question, he says while slightly shaking his hair.
- What do you want from me ? I ignore his answer.
- Who knows, he replies suggestively. Maybe I want to kiss you right now.
I widen my eyes and feel my heart bursting. Did I hear that right ?
- Chill, I just want to socialize, he says while laughing. You're so easily flustered.
- Then... Socialize else where... I almost stutter while blushing.
- No, I'm good. Hang out with me, it's gonna be fun.
- I don't know your friends, and I don't know you either.
- Well, at least you'll know me after.

He never stops replying. Deep down curious about his invitation, I shyly ask :
- And... What are you going to do, you and your friends ?
His smirk grows wider.
- You're interested ?
- Just... Answer the question, I say while shaking my head.

He leans back on his chair and acts like he is thinking hard. I roll my eyes and wait for him to develop.
- Going to a dark bar underground and do some real bad-boys things I guess, he says playfully.
I can't help but laugh lightly. He's unbelievable.
- Seriously, I say.
- We're just going to chill at the arcade. Come on, just once. You can leave anytime.

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now