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Faith has been invited to a party on Saturday by Hyuna, a girl attempting to judge her.

- Come on Faith ! I will introduce you to everyone ! It will be fun ! Protests Claire.
- I've never been to parties anyway, I would be just ridiculous !
- At least you can socialize a little bit ! You need connexions here, or else you'll get crushed.
- It feels like I'm in a high school movie...
- It's kind of how things go around here. Come on, please, she begs with puppy eyes.
I sigh heavily, shooting in a small rock across my way.
- Alright...
She lets out a cry of victory. I wish I had refused.

- I'm home ! I shout while closing the front door.
- I'm in the living room ! My mom answers.
She is opening the last boxes in the middle of the room.
- How was your day sweetie ?
- It was good, I smile before sitting on the couch.

I have to ask her about the party. I fidget with my fingers, thinking about how I could bring up the topic.

- Hum... Mom...
- Yes honey ?
I purse my lips and finally find the courage to tell her.
- Well... There's this girl at school... She wants to make me more comfortable with everyone. And so... She invited me to a party...
My mom gaze at me. I already know what the answer is.
- No, you're not going.
- But Mom...
- There will be probably alcohol and God-knows what. I'm not letting you go there.

I sigh heavily. I hoped I wouldn't get to this point, but I have no choice.
- Well... I've never been to parties since the... food thing. I start.
I see her gaze softening. I'm sorry Mom.
- I didn't want to go there because I was afraid of people forcing me to eat. But I want to challenge myself. Or else I will be stuck at the point where I'm afraid of enjoying my life. Let me go to this party, please.

I see her think for a while. I'm not totally lying though. I guess that's why they say that lies are always based on truth.
- Alright. But be careful. And no alcohol. And be home before midnight.

- You're seriously going dressed like this ? Comments Claire with a frown.
- Hum... Yeah, why ?
- Oh right, you never went to parties, she says while laughing at me.
I've put on a tight black shirt and some ripped jeans. I don't want to feel uncomfortable.
 - Well, it's too late anyway, she says while opening the front door of the big house.

The muffled music becomes loud and oppresses my ears. I walk in with Claire, feeling like an intruder. Everyone is dressed with sparkling outfits and shining accessories. Some are dancing in the middle of the room while others are drinking near tables filled with bottles -mostly alcohol. I can even spot some people kissing like there's no tomorrow. I immediately know I don't belong here.

- You like it ? Claire asks loudly.
- Yeah, it's cool ! I lie with a smile.
She grabs my hand and drags me towards a group.
- I'm going to introduce you to everyone ! You'll see, they're fun !
I gulp slightly. I don't really think they'll like me. They'll probably think I'm a weirdo.

- Hi guys ! This is Faith ! She's new here !
I see the girls detailing me and smiling.
- You're not a party girl, are you ? I'm Jihyoung ! Says a girl with a bright grin.

After a few introductions, they start talking while I sit beside Claire. She's really outgoing. I really wonder why am I here. I scan the room, waiting for something to happen. People are dancing to the loud music, some are even a little tipsy. I sigh. I should have stayed home. At this hour, I would be sleeping peacefully as always.

My gaze fall on a group of guys in the corner. I immediately recognize Lee Minho's friends. Is he there ? I guess he is, since Hyuna seems to know him. But I can't see him anywhere. Suddenly, the guy I was searching for plops on the couch next to his friends. He is laughing openly, drinking a dark mixture. He is dressed with a white tight shirt showing his well-sculpted body and black leather pants with chains. He looks stunning. His eyes suddenly fall on me. He gives me the same smirk as in the cafeteria, and I quickly avoid his gaze. I feel myself blushing.

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now