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Faith spent the night with Minho. She gradually gets to know him, and he might not be who she thought he was.  

One day goes by. I still go to the university, get home and do my homework. But I get smiles from Minho's friends, angry glares from Hyuna, and winks from Minho. He didn't talked to me since that night. And I thank him for this. I wouldn't have been able to say anything clear. I'm still not over last night's events.

- This project sucks, Claire whines while we get out of the auditorium.

- Well, we have three weeks to finish it, it's not that catastrophic, I answer while stretching my tensed muscles.

- Will you help me, pretty please ? She asks with puppy eyes.

- Of course, even though I'm sure you're going to be the one helping me.

We cross the hallway and go outside of the building. I can't help but remember how Minho and I've been here at night. And nobody knows. It feels unreal.

- We can hang out at mine, Claire suggests with a smile.

- Oh... I'm sorry... I can't make it today... I answer while fidgeting with my fingers.

- Why ? Don't tell me you're going to work, it's Friday evening Faith, she lifts an eyebrow.

It's a little bit embarrassing.

- Hum... It's just that... My mother kind of grounded me for a week.

She widens her eyes in amazement.

- What the hell ? You're an adult !

- She doesn't seem to get it, I roll my eyes.

- But why ?

My heart skips a beat. How can I explain this without mentioning Minho ?

- Hum... We just kind of argued too loud I guess.

Thankfully, she doesn't try to get more informations. Claire knows when to stop asking questions.

- See you on Monday then ! She waves at me and runs to her friends.

I don't understand why she stays with me all the time. She have way funnier friends than me. 

Suddenly, I feel a pat on my shoulder. I startle slightly and smile when I see Hyunjin.

- Hey Hyunjin, I greet him.

Then, Minho's warning rings in my head. You can't trust this guy.

- Hi, what's up ? He says with a sweet smile.

He looks angelic. What can be dangerous about him ? When I look in his eyes, I only see care and kindness. Nothing manipulative or fake.

- Hum... Why are you looking at me like I'm from Mars ?

I gasp and shake my head.

- I'm sorry ! I'm just a bit off today, I say with a forced smile.

- No worries, he replies. We should hang out some day.

- Sure, I answer nervously.

He then looks in the distance and waves at some guys waiting next to motorbikes.

- I got to go, see you Faith, he grins before starting to run.

I wave at him and keep on walking. I frown slightly. He is rather handsome, kind, he has friends, he is polite... Why did Minho warn me about him ? He looks like a normal guy from the university. Nothing less, nothing more.

𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙚, 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡  ~Lee Minho ffWhere stories live. Discover now