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"y/n y/n wake up wake come on baby wake up for me" Eddie shouting at your freezing body he couldn't have another Chrissy moment he couldn't lose you he just couldn't you were his everything
Flashback to when they first meet
Unfortunately summer has ended and school has begun meaning that the "freak" has once again return to school
"I can feel it this year is my year 86 baby" He says confident
"Now why does that catchphrase sound familiar" the person behind him giggles turning around Eddie see's the most charming person he could ever lay eyes on
"The name's y/n" offering her hand to Eddie but he makes no effort to return it still in shock of laying eyes upon her
"Not a big fan of handshakes well then about how about a kiss" she kisses Eddie on the cheek now this cause him to snap out of it
"H-Hi no hello my name is Eddie"
Sticking out his hand for a handshake which y/n gladly accept
"So this is the famous Eddie Munson they weren't lying when they said you are hot as fuck" making sure to send him a flirtatious wink this only caused Eddie to blush more
As time went on they started to spend more time with each other they would go to recorder store to check out new music that have been released or when go into the woods at night and lay on the table to watch the stars and how they shined so bright
Halfway through the school year you grown to romantic feelings for one another but could never admit it but all that changed when Vecna took over your body
*End of Eddie's flashback and back to know*
Eddie was currently on the run from the police cause it just so happened on the night Vecna appeared he took over Chrissy body and not a great moment Eddie just happen to by there why because Chrissy wanted drugs from him so after the death of Chrissy everyone thought Eddie do it so he was a wanted man wether it be dead or alive we just arrived at the place where Eddie was hiding
"Eddie baby where are you" you called feeling worried for him
"That doesn't make sense" Dustin said confused
All of suddenly someone jumped
"I concur you Henderson are a total butt head" Eddie says while breathing the way his chest rises and then falls that's hot but not the point
"Geez love we thought you were goner" pulling him into a very tight hug
"Me too me too" he kissed your forehead and let's go of the hug only to lace your fingers together
Everyone is talking to one another trying figure how the hell to get Eddie out of this mess that's been created but I don't pay attention as I see the real world fade in and out immediately I'm somewhere that looks like Hawkins but not quite
"It'a time to end your suffering" someone said behind me so turning around I see Vecna "No" I scream loudly running away from him
Eddie's pov
As everyone is discussing a plan on how to get me the hell out of here I keep my focus on y/n I really miss it sucks not being able to hold her in my arms or laugh with her and I definitely miss that million dollar smile of hers keeping a close eye on her I start to see her act anxious at first I thought nothing of it cause y/n was diagnose with it but then I show her freeze in her spot and her eyes turn the color the way Chrissy eyes were that's when I know Venca was after her running up to her body I start to shake her the same way I did with Chrissy "y/n y/n wake up baby come on wake up for me" I say still shaking her
Dustin coming over to observe her and trying to think of an explanation first
"Does she have a walker by chance"
"Do you know what her favorite song is"
"Eddie no maybe we need an answer right away before she's ends up like Chrissy"
"Don't say that man she won't I'm making sure that I save her"
Thinking hard to myself I try to think of all the times we hung out and all the songs we've sang but I can't think straight so I can't think of one
"Come on man 10 seconds left"
Panicking I start thinking fast
Shit shit shit I thought to myself
No it wasn't that song nor that one
"Stop fucking counting will ya it's only making it harder for me" I yell at Dustin
"Well thinking fast 4 seconds left" he yelled back
"I got it" walking up to her body I put both hands on her shoulders and start singing y/f/s
y/n pov
Still running away I end up in a dead end
"No no no" I scream at loud
Growling sound came from behind me so I turned around looked up to see him Vecna
"Time to end your suffering" he whispers and holds his hand in front of my face I hear a voice that sounded familiar singing my f/s looking around him I see a portal open not thinking twice I mange to escape from him and start running towards the portal
On the other side of the portal I can hear my friends calling me telling me to hurry running fast as I can I jump through the portal the next thing I know pitch black
Nobody's pov
y/n collapsed into Eddie's arm crying saying that it was horrible and that she felt scared but all Eddie did was bring her closer to his body whispering comforting words to her while being in the world with Venice this made y/n realize something she was in love with Eddie and she never get the chance to confess but since it took a dying situation she told herself that was going to do so leaning her forehead against Eddie's opening her mouth she starts to tells Eddie that she loves him way more then she should but this only result in Eddie laughing softly and admitting that he was in love with her as well leaning forward there lips fit perfectly with each other after a minute or so they pulled away and Eddie asked if she would be his girlfriend with that she leaned back in to kiss him once again and he took that as a yes she would be happy to be his girlfriend

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