11 (Part 2)

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Imagine: Nothing But Sweet Revenge
Now approaching your home you are aware that you might catch a cold from standing in the rain for too long walking into the garage you open the door seeing your mom in the kitchen you ask if you can have a towel and trash bag closing the door you began to strip off all your wet clothes and throwing it to the ground right on time mother opens the door handing you the things you ask for earlier
"Thank you mother I'll be sure to come down to dinner after my shower"
"No need to rush baby I'll call you when it's done might be a while before it's done" my mother says placing a kiss to my head leaving the door open for me I begin to throw the wet clothes in the trash bag and tying it lightly placing it back down in the ground I take the towel wiping as much water as I could then wrapping it around my body picking up the trash bag I walk into my house I use my free hand to close the door and lock it walking more into the house I throw the trash bag into the laundry room reminding myself to wash it tomorrow walking up the stairs I run the hallway desperately wanted to get into the hot water closing the bathroom door I let the towel drop to my feet getting into the shower my hands instantly turn on the water
"Oh sweet jesus" I groan as hot water hits my back nothing look a steamy hot shower after arguing with the love of your life or so you thought going through your normal shower routine thoughts begin to full your head
"Why doesn't he love me"
"Do I deserve pity"
"Maybe I shouldn't exist"
"Love what a bunch of bullshit"
"Your just a attention seeker"
"Not good enough"
"Eddie will never love you"
"He's only pity you"
So lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice that water had turned cold
"God dang lying-son of a-bitch" I screech my hands immediately reaching for the handle and turning it off with my body shivering I open the curtain and step out and reach for my towel quickly putting it around me body
"Oh this is so stupid-so stupid-this is so stupid" I mentally say to myself now to trying to warm my body moving my hands up and down getting out of the bathroom I go into my room and search for my night clothes
"I'll show him and I'll show him real good that I ain't the bitch to mess with" I soft yell at myself putting on my clothes I make my towards to my bed making sure to sit in the middle of the bed turning on my music the first song that plays is Master of Puppets
"Eddie's favorite song" I sighed to myself just letting the song play throughout my room
How could he I FUCKING confess my love for him and in return I get treated as if I was nothing all the shit I did for him making sure he keeps up with all his assignments making sure his ass graduates with the rest of us everything I did was for never for me but for him I was too fucking blind to see that not once did he care about my efforts
"SHUT UP" I yelled whacking the radio off my bed
[ breaking sound that radios make]
Staring at now disfigured radio you can't help but laugh at it not a funny laugh but a distress laugh experience this new feeling
I knew I had one thing on my mind and one thing only
~The next day and at school~
Fixing my revenge outfit I make sure to pop it off with a red lipstick smacking my lips together I look into the mirror one last time winking at myself exiting the bathroom I walk down the halls going to my locker along the way I got compliments
*Revenge here we fucking come*
Walking into 3rd period I see Eddie sitting in his usual spot expect this time he got that random girl sitting in my chair the audacity this bitch has but not today before third period I arranged a meeting with Jason I know what a low blow but revenge is something I crave anyways I arranged a meeting with Jason explaining the situation to him he was more glad to let me sit next to him in third and that's where we are as of right now making my way towards the empty sit next to Jason I make sure to be in view of Eddie as I swing my hips from side to side
"Hey Jason" emphasizing on his name while laughing cutely and in return he winked at me not caring to look back if Eddie was looking at us throughout the class I was taking notes and Jason and I keep revengly "flirty" with each other sure I could feel Eddie stare at me but I didn't let that bother me the bell finally rang letting us know that it was lunchtime so walking out of the classroom I go to my locker grabbing the one thing I need for my revenge plan a D&D contract you'll found out later when it comes to that time but for now I hear someone slam my locker so turning around I put a smile on my face and look at the person who slammed my locker
"Well well lookie here Eddie the freak Munson to what do I owe the pleasure" I say sarcastically as I poke his nose
"Cut the act why were sitting next to Jason and flirting with him" He asked with a firm tone
"Now now jealousy isn't a good look on you honey also is that anywhere to talk your best friend" I say once sarcastically but with a laugh
"You'll never make me jealousy y/n let's make that clear and we aren't friends secondly stop stalling and tell why you and jason were interacting with one and another" He asked but with a more strict down obviously I wasn't going to tell him my plan so I just decide to play I mean why not he wouldn't tell the difference
"Think what you want but I was sitting next to him cause the teacher recommend that we would work well with each other and that we would be to explain the work in a way that only we would understand nothing more nothing less now if you kindly excuse me the bell just rang and I don't wanna be late for class" I declare pushing him aside walking to last class of the day but just you wait Eddie sweet sweet revenge is coming your way
~School is OVER~

Imagine: Nothing But Sweet Revenge Now approaching your home you are aware that you might catch a cold from standing in the rain for too long walking into the garage you open the door seeing your mom in the kitchen you ask if you can have a towel ...

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