Navigating News Waters

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As a new student I was nervous about starting at a new school it wasn't easy being the new kid but I was determined to make the best of it.
As luck would have it I met Eddie on the first day of school he was hard to miss; tall, lanky with shock of unruly hair and a t-shirt that proclaimed "Hellfire Club" but he had a gleam in his eyes that told me he was something special.
We hit it off immediately as it turned out we were both into Dungeons and Dragons and we quickly bonded over our shared love of fantasy worlds and epic battles. Eddie was creative force coming up with new and exciting scenarios at the drop of the hat and I was happy to be along for the ride.
One day while we were playing in the park Eddie started talking about his club the he made called the "Hellfire Club" a group of misunderstood kids or as the students like to say "the freaks of the school" who spent their afternoon playing Dungeons and Dragons and just generally having fun with each other.
At first I was hesitant, I was new and the thought of possible being bullied by other students for this was hard but the more and more Eddie talked about it the more intrigued I become. I had always felt like an outsider so maybe this was the kind of place where I would finally fit it.
So I agreed to go with him to the next meeting.
It was unlike anything I had ever seen. There were people laughing, hyping themselves up and just smiling and in the middle of it all there was Eddie grinning from ear to ear.
"Welcome to the Hellfire Club" he said. "We're glad you're here."
Over the next few weeks I became more and more involved in the club we would always decide on when the next game will be, who's house it will be out in case we decide to play it at a house and it generally made all of us happy. It was exhilarating and I felt like I had finally found my tribe.
And all the while Eddie was by my side he was fearless with a wild streak that set him apart from everyone else. He had a way of making me feel alive like anything was possible.
It wasn't until one night when we were walking home together that I realized how much I had come to care for him we were chatting about nothing in particular when he reached for my hand it was a simple gesture but it set my heart racing.
From that moment on we were more than just friends we were partners in crime, allies in the battle against conformity.
As for the Hellfire Club our bond ended up becoming stronger along with still playing D&D lost in the imaginary worlds we had created and we continued to take risks, to seek out adventure wherever we could find it.
Eddie Munson might be a freak but to me he was a hero. He showed me that it was okay to be different that there was nothing wrong with marching to the beat of your drum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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