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Imagine: Writing a goodbye graduation letter to your best friend Eddie 

To my best friend Eddie,
As I'm writing this I'm actually for once processing the fact that you got one more week left of school and not going to lie I'm going to miss you once you graduated it's just really going to feel different once it's just not gonna feel the same like it once was. I am proud of how far you have come I am excited that you get to walk the line with you other classmates and be a proud a Tigers, I will never forget all the memories we've created and shared along the way sure we created bad ones but we also created unforgettable ones either way I will cherish them I remember the time the first time we meet I remember walking in and my eyes instantly landing on you I felt like a real teenager experiencing a little crush on a random dude I've never met but what can I say I tend to fall to fast but that's beside the point and back to the letter so when Mrs.Chasteen had us introduce ourselves to everyone I was legit nervous cause I was thinking of introducing myself to you as well to everyone else but they didn't stand out as you do. My first impression of you would have to be someone that has a bright personality and that is friendly to be around and honestly just knows how to lighten up a room whenever they walk in and I was correct your everything from bright to knowing how to lighten a room as time went on in class we got to know each other better and from that we established a friendship that I'm grateful for and value a lot you've taught me things along the way like learning how to not care about others people opinion you've helped me understand what self-love is and the big one that I thank you the most on is helping me learn to accept my body and love my body just the way it is if it wasn't for you I don't think I could have had that mindset to accept my body at all. I want to thank you for being by my side when I was at my lowest of my life and when I was at the highest of my life just thank for being there to comfort me even when I didn't even ask for a hug and you would hug me I thank you for that you just made me feel so loved and so special I just thank you for all of that I don't think I have ever you know said it to you as much as I should've but your hugs are the best hugs in the world I don't know there's just something your hugs that just make me feel safe like when I'm hugging you I feel I'm safe and protected and like I'm like I'm like at home it just makes me feel safe knowing that being around you it just made me feel so safe so definitely never change the way you hug. Now I wanna talk about a memory that will always be dearest to my heart the kiss that will always be my favorite memory sure it might have not been my first kiss but in my book that kiss we shared without a doubt will be like a first kiss to me so I thank you for letting me have that memory I wanna talk more about the kiss but I feel like this memory didn't need an explanation cause the kiss was just so memorable and left so many butterflies in my stomach and made my face turn red as a tomato. If you must know as I'm writing this letter I'm currently in tears crying cause here I am writing a goodbye letter to my best friend that is leaving me this year and starting his life in the big world and wondering when will be the next time I'll ever see him again so please don't mind the tear stains that were once on the paper it's just crazy how fast the year is ending man it just seems like yesterday I just meet you and it feels like just yesterday we become friends but hey what can I say time goes by fast when you're doing something you love and when you're with someone you love but damn I wish time slowed down just a little so I can spend the rest of days you have left here at school together. One thing that I'm sure scared about is when I give this letter is that you've actually read it and didn't rip it up but hey if you decide to throw it then by all mean I respect your decision anyways before I wrap up this letter I have one more thing to express I will always be here for you, to talk and listen to you whenever you need it tho I may not be there in person I'll be there in spirit hopefully one day you and I will reunite with each other and have a long full-blown conversation of catching up with each other but for now I wish nothing more but for our friendship to last and to see a smile on your face when you walk that line sorry for the long-ass letter but to finally wrap it up I'll see you on the other side *imagine me doing the two finger salute* along with that I love you Eddie
Sincerely your best friend,

Eddie Munson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now