The Voice

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*Esme's POV*

It's cold. Dark. Quiet. I can't breath. My hair feels wet and cold. My head is pounding, in sync with my heart beat.

It hurts.

Everything's hurts.

I feel like I was just hit by a bus.

I roll to my side and cough vigorously, liquid escaping my lungs.

I gasp for air, desperate for oxygen. My fingers sliding and gripping the grayed floor.

Every cough and every breath feels like knifes.

'Who the hell kicked my ass?' I thought to myself as I regained my composure. Propping myself on my elbows, staring at the floor, my eyes widened.

'Why can't I remember anything? What the hell happened?! Where am I?!' my mind began to spin with questions.

I tried to look around for any clues but it was to dark for me to see.

A sound of scraping metal filled the air as I brought myself up to sit on my knees. My hands made their way to cover my ears at the sudden burst of noise.

There was a jolt from beneath me, or rather from around me. The room I was in began to move. A panic began to rise, washing over my body like a tsunami.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to force my breathing to steady.

'Okay, okay think, there has to be something in here. A door, or something to help you get out. Focus. Relax. Breath.' I calmed myself.

I started to feel around on the floor with my hands, hoping to find anything of use with no luck. Then I bumped a small, metal object, I brought it close to my face but couldn't see much. I dragged my hands along the tube-like object, being poked by one side.

'A needle?' I questioned. Shrugging it off I flipped the needle upwards and put the object safely in my back pants pocket. As I did so I felt a slip of paper. I decided to wait to inspect it since I couldn't see anything anyways.

I slowly moved around the room and found that there was nothing else in here. I crawled until I found a corner and pressed into it.

It has been a few minutes since the room first began moving, and it was getting faster.

I looked up to see a faint red light growing brighter as the metal box plunged upwards at it. When I realized it wasn't slowing down as it neared what I assumed was the top, I pulled myself into the fetal position, dropping my head between my knees, putting my hands over my head and neck. Hoping that I might survive the impact this way.

My whole body still ached like I had been in a nasty fight. My knuckles included. 'It probably was a fight.' I guessed, not really able to do anything else. 'At least I know I'm a fighter, I'll find a way to walk away from this, too.' I thought to myself, trying to be optimistic.

I heard a blaring alarm sound from above. I don't know why I though it, but I felt like it was right.

'Please work.' I called out in my mind, as if willing fate to let me survive this encounter. I knew I was speaking to nothing, I knew there wasn't some omnipotent being that would save me. I was calling out to a void, a futile attempt to find a sliver of peace and hope in my mind. Until something answered.

The box screamed to a halt, that's when I heard it.

'H-hello?' A voice rung in my head, filling me with a strange tingling sensation throughout my skull.

I started to panic slightly. Then a bright light filled the space of the room. I squinted my eyes as i heard distant voices.

I ripped the paper from my back pocket and opened it.

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