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*Esme's POV*

I could feel myself being slowly pulled back into consciousness. There were hushed voices in the room with me but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

I did feel warm though. Like I was surrounded by a calming warmth that made it hard to want to wake up. I could feel pressure on my left hand, but it didn't scare me.

'Aris.' I called out.

I felt the pressure on my hand tighten.

'Thank you.' I called to him.

The hushed voices were becoming more clear now, I could finally understand them.

"You can't seriously be considering that Harriet." I heard Aris say, he sounded distressed.

"We. Can't. Trust. Her." This was a voice I didn't know, it wasn't their leaders voice.

"You don't know that." Aris objected. "Besides she's hurt, they said her bones are broken."

"Fractured." I heard one of the medics for before speak.

"It doesnt matter, this isn't happening." He argued.

"That's not your choice to make." The unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Harriet, please. You have to see how rediculious this is." Aris begged.

"She threw open a giant metal door to the box with one arm, while hanging mid air with the other." I heard the leaders voice.

"Exactly. Who knows how dangerous she could be, you saw how she acted yesterday, and she shouldn't be here. The box wasn't supposed to come up with a newbie for another week. And we all saw how it tried to take her back down with it." The stranger said.

'Yeah, and yet I couldn't fight my way out of your grip.' I thought.

I heard Aris choke on air and cough slightly.

'Sorry.' I said.

"You good?" I heard the medic ask.

"Ye-yeah" he coughed once more. "Choked on air."

"You sure you're okay?" My voice was groggy and slurred.

The room fell completely silent when I spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"Good." I said, as I pulled my hand away, and started to push myself up.

I winced as I sat up, the soreness and pain from yesterday was much worse. My adrenaline was probably the cause of that.

Aris immediately moved to help me sit up, the blanket Aris originally had last night falling off my upper half. Turning around to the desk beside the bed, he grabbed a glass of water and held it out for me.

"Thanks." I whispered as I reached for the glass.

"No problem." He said.

I tried to hold the glass but I couldn't grip it at all, it was like I had been drained of all my strength. It's like Aris sensed it or something.

"Here, I got it." He said as he slowly brought the glass up to my lips. I glanced at him for a moment before looking back at the glass and helping him guide it with my hand.

I drank half of the glass, and before I could try to pull it away, Aris did. It's like he always knows what to do, on instinct.

I brought my sleeve up of my mouth and wiped my face.

"Thank you, again." I said, my face feeling slightly warm.

He smiled.

I turned my attention to the leader, the medic, and stranger.

'So the leader is Harriet.' I huffed to myself.

'Yeah.' I was slightly alarmed by the sudden response in my mind.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I released that breath after a few seconds and looked straight at the leader.

"I have something I think you should see." I said.

She looked at me sceptically, then nodded.

I pulled the note out of my pocket, it wasn't in the same one as before and I don't remember putting it away. But I knew where it was.

I wondered if Aris had put it there, and I knew because of this strange connection we share.

I left out a short but quiet sigh and held out the paper.

"I came up that thing with it. I scrambled to get out of the box because of the first few words, and I didn't read the rest of it until late last night." I explained.

"I don't remember anything about it, but I must have wrote that for a reason. So I'm trusting you with it." I stated as she unfolded the paper and read the note.

I gripped the blanket on my lap nervously as her face remained unchanged while she took in all the information I just gave her.

Hello loves! Sorry for the short one but it's getting late.

See you in the next one!

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