Her Fate

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*Esme's pov*

The door to the building flew open, slamming against the walls of the hut. The stranger I've yet to learn the name of had stormed out, fuming over the leader; Harriot's decision.

I returned my gaze back to the women in front of me, wearing the best straight face I could without looking ungrateful.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry for the scene I caused before." I said, hoping my reaction didn't cause to much of a fuss among the others here. I'm sitting up as straight as I can even though it hurts and looking Harriot in the eyes as we speak. Harriot pondered for a moment quietly before replying.

"Nothing I can't handle as long as there aren't anymore outbursts. So what's the deal with you two?" She asked, eyes darting between Aris and me. I was initially confused about what she meant but understood in a matter of seconds. When I opened my mouth to respond I was cut off by Aris's words.

"I feel like I know her." He said, glancing at me before looking back at Harriot. "I don't have any memories about her but.. my instincts are pulling me to be near her, protect her." His face grew a light tinge of pink as he spoke, it was like I could feel his need to pull up his hood, and hide. "I don't know what it means but I can't walk away unless she knows she's safe, too."

My breath was caught in my throat. My chest felt warm, like it was radiating actual light, and it was only growing. As I looked at him it was like he was the only thing in focus, everything else was slowly fading away, and he was the center of everything. Harriot's voice snapped me out of my trance and I looked back at the leader in front of me.

"And you?" She said, eye brow raised.

I was silent for a moment, working up the courage to say these word out load to strangers and the person who these feelings were meant for. I took a slow deep breath in to calm my mind and regain a little focus.

"It may sound weird but.. he feels like home." I say pausing to see the reaction to my statement. "When he's close, I feel whole. When he grabbed me in the forest, my entire body knew not to fight him. In his arms I felt safe, like all the confusion from the situation, the lack of memories, the group of strangers chasing me, this strange place, none of it mattered or even existed because he was there." I could feel my face heating up, and embarrassment creeping up onto me while I looked at my blanket covered feet at the end of the bed. "I don't know what our relationship was before coming here,-" I say, returning my gaze to meet Harriot's eyes. "-but I think whatever we were, even if our memories were lost, the heart never forgets." My face was obviously red and I didn't dare look at Aris, I could feel his gaze trained on me.

"That's quite the confession." Harriot says sceptically, eyeing the two or us.

"That note told me to trust you and I want to listen to myself despite my confusion." I responded blatantly. "If I lied or hid something from you out of embarrassment the n how could I earn your trust in return?"

Harriot smirked at my comment.

She stood up from her chair and then spoke. "You're one of us now Esme, don't screw it up. Stay here, rest, you've got a lot of healing to do, whatever happened to you in that hole, you got roughed up pretty bad." She instructed, turning her gaze to Aris. "And you, are going to be her nurse, none of the girls are sure about her thanks to Beth so you'll be the one to bring her food, change any bandages, all that fun stuff." She turned to leave and stopped herself at the door looking back at us, a mischievous look on her face. "Don't do anything indecent would ya."

My face turned a whole new shade of red and I turned away to hide it. Aris's face was red too, and he stood up from his seat and yelled some slurs and statements along the lines of 'that wouldn't happen' as Harriot and thee medic quickly left the room, both laughing frantically.

Aris plopped back down beside me with a huff.

'Jeez, they can be so immature sometimes' Aris thought to himself.

I let out a soft chuckle, wincing at the pain it brought to my ribs.

'It was kinda funny' I thought, a small smile pulling at my lips.

Aris looked at me slightly concerned and helped me lay back down. He pulled his blanket up to my shoulders and our eye met.

His face hovered above mine, just a few inches away, it felt like I was staring into his eyes for an eternity, but it was only a few seconds before he realized, and pulled his face away.

'aww' I thought playfully. His gaze snapped to mine with a playful glare.

I smiled, greatful for the light-hearted exchange after all of that heavy talk. Though I could feel he wanted to ask about something.

"Go ahead, ask." I said out loud, my smile remaining. Aris sighed and looked at me with a soft expression.

"Did you mean all of that?" He asked gently.

I scoffed playfully. Before looking into his eye deeply, reaching my hand out to take his again. He glanced at my hand before taking it gently, returning his eye to mine.

"You would've known if I was lieing." I say calmly. I gazed at the boy in front of me, greatful to still have him at my side.

Something sparked in Aris, like a new small burst of confidence. He swapped the right hand that was holding mine with his left one. His left hand cradling mine as he moves our hands up to my chest and hovering over my heart, while his right hand moves to my face, moving my hair to behind my ear before cupping my cheek in his hand. His face is less then 2 inches from mine, his gaze moved from my eye to my lips, then back to my eye.

'May I?' he asked in though, his voice in my mind sending shivers throughout my body.

'Yes.' I responded, not a second later his lips had collided with mine both softly and desperately.

He pulled away after a few seconds, searching my face for any hint of discomfort. I brought my right hand up to meet his cheek, rubbing my thumb across it gently. We gazed into eachothers eyes for a short time before I gently pulled Aris into another, deeper, more passionate kiss.

The touch of his skin on mine was sending sparks of electricity throughout my nerves, a pleasantly warm and fuzzy feeling in my chest reached out, my heart never wanting this to end. We broke the kiss to breath and he rested his forehead on mine. I bit my bottom lip gently, still able to feel his lips on mine.

Aris sighed and tightened his hold on my hand a little.

"You should get some rest." He whispered softly, lifting his head and kissed my forehead before pulling away, and hovering about a foot over me. A gentle, kind expression on his face.

I smiled up at him, running my right hand through his hair and resting in on his cheek again where he pushed his face into my hand slightly.

"Okay." I said softly.

Hello Loves! Sorry for the long wait on this chapter T^T

I promise it won't take 8 months to  this again, see you in the next one!

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