retaliation hit

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The two lieutenants sit in front of the higher ups with mouch, their union rep next to them as the higher ups question them.

"How long was she in your apartment?" the woman asks, "half hour, hour, tops" kelly answers, "and how many beers did you have?" the woman asks, "two each" carter responds, "In 30 minutes?" the woman asks, "first time in history anyone's ever drank two beers in half an hour?" kelly asks, "Ms. Little stated that it was hard to keep up with you two, she felt buzzed" the woman explains, "that's what happens when you drink beer, she'd know since she brought the six pack over" kelly defends, "she said you tried to kiss her, but she was uncomfortable and tried to leave, you backed her against the wall, leaned into her body and put your hand on her buttock and when you finally let go Lieutenant Strand conducted a violent attack on her" the woman explains, "I didn't touch her" carter argues, "unreal" kelly remarks, "care to respond?" the woman asks, "Lieutenant Severide and Lieutenant Strand are not obligated to respond to any of these questions, Commander, they came in good faith to hear the charges against them" mouch defends, "actually, I faked a yawn and said I was tired and she should probably get going, because I started thinking she was a little desperate even though she could clearly see that myself and Lieutenant Strand are in a relationship that we keep separate to our work life" kelly explains, "I offered to walk her to her car or wait for a cab with her as we didn't know how she'd gotten to our place and we both walked her to the door not once did I attack her" carter explains.

The two walk into the common room walking straight through to the locker rooms, carter carries her dress jacket, tie and hat as kelly pulls his tie loose, in the changing rooms, kelly shrugs his jacket on whilst rubbing carters hand in an attempt to comfort the woman when mills enters.

"Lieutenants, what you're going through ain't right" mills announces gaining the duo's attention, "so if there's anything I can do to help, name it, I mean, if you just want to grab a beer or put on some gloves" mills offers, "appreciate it" kelly says as the two make their way out the locker room the alarm goes off, "truck 81, squad 3, engine 51, ambulance 61, car accident, 3464 Morgan Street" the alarm announces sending the two jogging towards the squad truck.

The crew hop out their trucks rushing towards the store front where the car was embedded.

"Looks unstable, be careful" Kelly warns, "he's pinned in, foots stuck on the gas" matt reports as carter peers through the intact window, the 3 lieutenants head inside, "hey, stand clear of the car! second victim's underneath" kelly warns as carter bends down, "hang on, ma'am, we're gonna get you out, okay?" carter assures, "hurry, please" the woman begs, "driver's got a head wound, we've got to get him out of there" matt says, "hey, we budge this car, it's gonna take off" kelly warns, "we lift the car, kelly, carter, you get the woman, we stabilize this on the truck and get the driver at the same time, go" boden instructs.

"Capp, Hadley, air bags and halligans!" carter instructs, "Cruz and Mills, we need bottle uacks and cribbing, as much as we have, mouch, take the center punch, Herrmann, sawzall, let's move" matt instructs, "okay, help me out with this, we gotta lift it" kelly instructs, "don't worry, ma'am, we're right here with you" carter reassures as one of the squad members takes a tool to the underneath of the car, "don't let it touch that wheel!" boden instructs, "hang in there, hang in there" kelly instructs the woman, "watch your back", "all right, let's get that board in!" carter instructs, "easy, easy" kelly warns as a paramedic rushes to slide the board in, "watch it" carter warns as the woman gets pulled out, "you got it?" kelly asks the paramedic, "keep her away from that wheel" boden instructs, the couple lean against the squad rig, kelly on carters phone trying to contact tara little whilst carter watches when mouch walks over, "you're not doing what I think you're doing, are you?" mouch asks causing kelly to put carters phone in his pocket, "what if we just meet her face-to-face and" kelly tries to explain, "do not contact this woman, you hear me?" mouch warns, the two hang their heads for a moment before looking up again, "we have a follow-up interview tomorrow, and we have the upper hand right now, okay?" mouch says.

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