you will hurt him

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The couple stand in the kitchen doing their own things with carter making breakfast and lunch for shay to ensure she eats, as otis goes to turn on the tv forgetting devon had stolen it

"Oh that's right, hey, have we heard anything at all from the police or an insurance company or" otis asks, "that's a good question" kelly agrees as shay jogs up the stairs, "I'm on it, I'm on it, I filed the claim, and, you know, I'm gonna check back in with the cops today, but right now I got to get to west town, I'm gonna be late for my shift" shay explains, "hey, did you even tell the cops that it was Devon?" kelly asks ignoring the warning look carter had shot him, "you think I'm protecting her? she ripped me off too" shay says, "I know you're not protecting her I've got your back but I didn't have anything of any real value stolen" carter says, "Shay, why don't you come back to 51? everybody's asking about you" kelly suggests, "you got to graduate high school sometime, you know" shay replies.

Carter sits at the table watching as katie prepares to serve the lasagna she'd brought over.

"Now, the lasagna is vegetarian, Is that okay?" Katie asks, "uh oh, what if none of us are vegetarian?" herrmann asks, "ah, I'm just messing with you! It smells delicious" herrmann announces as kelly looks away messing with the deck of cards gaining carters attention, "so, Severide, walk me through this, your dad and Katie's mom" mouch prompts, "you see, mouch, when a man and a woman share a special hug" kelly teases causing carter to laugh, "I understand the plumbing, I'm just trying to figure out why Benny would keep this delightful young lady a secret" mouch says, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Benny" kelly shrugs,"hey, how's the food, guys?" kelly asks, "oh, it's great, the food is magnificent, Katie, thank you" mouch announces, "delicious, thanks" otis says as mills nods in agreement, otis begins to flirt with katie after lunch beginning to tell her the story of how molly's got it's name as kelly walks over causing otis to rush through the story and head back to his seat.

Carter joins kelly and katie.

"I never had a big brother put the death stare on someone for me" katie says, "oh, he's harmless, hey, thanks for doing this" kelly says, "yeah, I better get moving, I'm gonna be late to class" katie explains, "well, go, we'll clean up, we can drop this stuff by your place tomorrow morning" kelly says, "are you sure?" katie asks, "yeah" kelly confirms, "thanks, and thanks for convincing me to do this" katie says as she walks away, "bye, everybody" katie calls out, "bye, katie, thank you" mouch says, "bye-bye" herrmann adds, "do not go all protective big brother on Otis it'll make things awkward in the apartment" carter warns, kelly shrugs.

The two walk back to the common room after a quick round of sex in their office when boden calls them over.

"Carter, Severide" boden calls out, "yeah, Chief" kelly asks as they walk over, "just got a call from 25, Shay still hasn't shown for her shift" boden explains, "really? well, you know, she's still getting used to that bus route" carter offers, "she could be" kelly starts, "you two ever get tired of making excuses for her?" boden asks cutting the two off, "we'll call her now" carter says, "thank you" boden responds, kelly pulls his phone out putting it on speaker as he calls shay, the line rings once before going to voicemail, "hey, it's Leslie, sorry I missed your call" shay's voicemail greets causing kelly to end the call, "maybe Gabby's heard from her?" carter suggests, "it's a possibility" kelly agrees as they head off in search of gabby giving up after not finding her they head to the squad table sitting down and minutes later gabby enters the apparatus floor causing the two to walk up to her, "hey, you, you heard from Shay today?" kelly asks, "no, I don't hear from Shay, period, why?" gabby asks, "um, she didn't show up for work at west town, she's not returning our calls" carter explains, "I don't know what to tell you, It's the new Shay" gabby shrugs as the alarm blares, "truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, person trapped, superior and sangamon" the alarm announces.

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