professional courtesy

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Kelly launches himself out of the rig at the same time as carter as they both run to help 81 stop a van falling over the overpass.

"Stabilizers!" kelly instructs as he joins 81 and carter in holding the van steady, "hey, sir, just sit tight there for me, all right? don't try and unbuckle yourself" kelly instructs, "we gotta get these doors off" carter instructs the crew, "Is he all right? my son? he's not saying anything" the man says as kelly moves to allow gabby to check the passengers pulse, "where's those jaws?" kelly questions as capp brings him the jaws, "unh!" kelly announces, "too tight?" carter questions, "yeah! ah! we're gonna go through the windshield, and get me a pick head" kelly  instructs hadley, "coming up" hadley says, the crew work to pull the windshield off which allows them to pull the victims out.

Carter sits at the island as shay pours herself and carter a cup of coffee when kelly walks in.

"Hey, you want some coffee?" shay greets, "no, I'm gonna go hit the gym, I'll see you both at the firehouse" kelly muses, "all right, how's your arm?" carter asks, "It's good, It's fine" kelly answers quickly, "all right, well, you should get it looked at, you know, Kelly? It could act up at the wrong time" shay warns, "no, absolutely, I'm, I'm planning on doing that, all right, I'll see you both later" kelly nods, "bye" shay says.

Carter watches as casey turns away a tv donation knowing kelly's eyes are on her due to carter having sat in their shared office for most of the morning she turns and enters the coat room waiting for kelly to follow her in, carter stands holding kelly's helmet as he pulls a pair of her underwear out of the envelope she had nicki give him.

"E-vites are so impersonal and I didn't feel like passing notes" carter explains as kelly walks closer allowing her to place his helmet on him, "leave it on" carter instructs, "girl you are barking up the wrong tree" kelly teases, "yeah? prove it" carter instructs, kelly meets her in a searing kiss initiating a steamy make out session as the alarm goes off, "we'll continue this when we get back from the call" carter instructs as they rush out to the rig.

"Oh my god" carter remarks as she sets her eyes on a man impaled on a fence, "get the k-12, we're cutting him down" boden instructs not phased by carters reaction, carter jogs over to the squad pulling the k-12 out proceeding to jog back over handing it to kelly who begins to cut through, "pump some water on that steel, so it doesn't overheat" boden instructs, carter grabs the mobile water pump and pumps water on the steel before allowing kelly to continue cutting through it as he cuts it enough to get it down and onto a gurney the crew rushing the victim to the ambulance when he goes into v-fib, "severide!" casey shouts, "yo" kelly responds as he walks up to the gurney and goes to pull the k-12 on when his arm seizes up, shay and carter noticing instantly.

Kelly and Carter both stand in the coat room, kelly wearing his helmet as they get down to what the alarm interrupted earlier in the shift barely breaking contact with each other.

"We gotta stop doing it where we can get caught at work, boden will kill us" carter warns as they redress, carter exits first to try and avoid suspicion before taking her seat at the squad table, kelly exiting minutes later following suit.

The two walk down the hall to their shared office when shay corners kelly.

"Hey, need to talk to you" shay says, "this girl is in serious heat, and I'm not Ghandi" kelly defends, "you're not complaining now are you severide" carter teases, "what? no, about your arm, oh, here" shay hands kelly a slip of paper, "what's this?" kelly questions, "friend of mine, I gave her a heads up" shay explains, "cool, thanks" kelly nods gratefully, "yeah, your appointment's after shift, you said you were gonna get your arm looked at" shay says, "you've been saying it for days now" carter adds, "I know, I am, I will, I'll, I am" kelly confirms, "okay, so I basically feel like you've been lying to me in order to get painkillers, and that's not really the quality I look for in a friend and a roommate, part of me doesn't want to know, I get it, of course, but the consultation's off the books, just you, me and Carter will know, and we'll figure it out" shay explains, "we will whatever it is, we've got your back" carter assures, "all right" kelly says.

Carter sits at the counter with shay, the two ready to get the details of kelly's injury out of him.

"Hey" kelly greets, carter sends him a warm smile, "hey" shay greets back, "so, how'd it go?" carter asks, "good, nice lady, I've just gotta find a way to manage the pain" kelly explains, "yeah, Kendra said you, you basically have a broken neck" shay says, "well, if the two of you already talked and you told carter, then why are you both asking me? I get that surgery, there's follow-up exams, there's paperwork involved, the department doesn't like how it looks, I go on long-term disability, that's 75% pay, and then do what, Shay? Carter?, I fish off Navy pier for the next 20 years? working squad is all I want, It's all I have, If I have to eat the pain, then I will" kelly argues frustratedly.

season one episode three


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