"Why is this dorm so nasty, also why is grim hot now" prologue: part 4 <3

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we stopped in front of a huge run down building. The wood had fallen apart from the outside and the trees outside were dead and covered in cobwebs 'Its kinda spooky' 

"Maybe this is a little too much charm"

 "Right, Right? Please come inside" Crowley and me walked inside the house were it was even more run down. Paintings covered the wall, They were beautifully painted. There was a huge window which I was surprised wasn't shattered, chairs and tables were thrown all over the place and cobwebs covered every inch of the room 

"Such a dirty place...Its eerie" 

Crowley smiled "Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain"

 "Yeah! Wait it's raining"? I looked outside the window and saw the beautiful droplets of water hit the grassy floor 

"I'm going back to my office. Make yourself at home"!

 "Thank you for letting me stay...I actually really appreciate it"! 

"Its no problem. Don't go wandering the school. Goodbye"! And just like that the funny crow man walked away 'He doesn't even have an umbrella' I decided it was time to look around for a room 

"I really do need to clean up all the cobwebs and dust" I slid my hands across the dirty wall until I stopped as the wall caved in 

"AAAAAHHH" The wall opened up to reveal a secret room. 

"W-what the...how did this happen"? I looked around, It was fairly empty except for a few more paintings and a guitar. 

"whoa....This is amazing! Its so clean!!" I picked up the guitar. It was an electric guitar, the top was in the shape of a heart with an arrow through it 

"It's perfect!!!" I strummed the guitar a bit 

"Maybe it needs a bit of tuning but other than that it's the most amazing guitar I've ever seen. I should get out of here and find a better room" I brought the guitar out carefully and carried it upstairs 

"Oh! It's a room. Easy" I placed the guitar on the bed and sighed a bit 

"It's surprisingly cleaner than the main room" I checked out the window 

"Still raining" 

"Hyi! It's really coming down!!" Oh boy....Is that who I think it is? Slowly, I turned towards the voice and sure enough it was grim.

 "Gyahahaha! You got a stupid look on your face! Like a bat being squirted with a water gun!!"

 "What the hell are you doing here! I thought the people kicked you out of the campus" 

He just smirked"sneaking back into the school again was easy-peasy! No problem! And if you think getting thrown out is gonna make me give up on getting in, you've got another thing coming"

 "If you don't mind me asking...Why do you want to get in so badly? It seems like a lot of work to get thrown out and come back in"

 He laughed a bit at my question "That's a simple answer! I'm a genius who is destined to be a great mage! I've been waiting for an ebony carriage to pick me up..." He frowned "but....but! The dark mirror just doesn't have the eyes to recognize me. so That's why I came here on my own." 

I honestly felt really bad for him. How sad can it be to not get invited into your dream school. Then he had to speak again 

"Not letting me in would be a loss for the world. Humans just don't understand" 

"I don't feel as bad for you anymore."

 "Of course....You're a human too so it makes sense you wouldn't get it." 

♡ butterfly lol ♡ (twisted wonderland x G) (AKA im never gonna post this lol)Where stories live. Discover now